Epilogue ( part 17 )

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When severus met harry

August 27th, 1981.

Severus tapped his foot nervously. They were at the height of the war.

It could be any day now when everything came crashing down and they would emerge victorious or not.

But of course severus was trying to keep his mind clear and head high.

It was the least he could do.

He was staying at headquarters. The apartment made of many bedrooms and offices that once belonged to the Blacks were now occupied by the order of the pheonix.

Severus always found it ironic how the organization against voldemort was being held in the former home of one of his fiercest supporters.

But then again, severus was playing that facade as well.

Weekly missions where he had to sit in that terrifying room with his former house mates still haunts his dreams.

He has done terrible things to prove his loyalty to the dark lord.

And yet here he sat in grimmaulds place dining room, waiting for the rest of the members to come in.

" hey. You ok?" Lily asked when she put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and nodded.

" yeah. Just thinking."

She sat down in the seat beside him, hand still on his shoulder.

" good. Oh and by the way James is here." Lily informed, taking a sip of tea from her large mug.

Severus knotted his brows and tilted his head slightly.

" and why are you telling me?" He asked.

Lily knew james was a sore spot. A love he never truly got over but was glad it ended.

" he has a baby with him. And guess who he looks like." Lily rose an eyebrow.

Severus' eyes blew wide and he stood up.

" wait where are you going?!" Lily yelled behind him.

" to see the baby, who else?!"


Severus ran around the large apartment and finally stopped when he saw familiar shaggy black hair standing in one of the bedrooms.

He was cradling a baby with black hair and dark eyes, pulling and teething at a small toy.

" holy fuck its true." Severus whispered.

James spun around, hand supporting the baby's head.

The child giggled at the quick movement.

" oh! Snape i-"

Snape. Right. To him he was back to snape.

" why do you have a baby with you? Wait nevermind, WHEN DID YOU HAVE A BABY?" Severus stepped closer.

James laughed nervously and looked down at the child in his arms.

" uh his mother usually takes care of him. We're not together and she has custody over the week and i have him on the weekends. I couldn't find someone to look after him so i had no choice but to bring him here." James explained.

Severus wasn't really paying attention.

He was more focused on the kid that was staring at him very intensely.

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