Chapter 12 : "temporary happiness"

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We took a polaroid,

capture the look in your eyes.

It's only a matter of time,

before it starts fading.

- Polaroid : Jonas Blue, Liam Payne, Lennon Stella

It was graduation day. I placed the letter safely and secured it in a compartment in my bag, not wanting a repeat of last time, I mentally sighed.

When I reached school, everyone looked busy, as I walked my way to Layla. She was getting ready for her performance.

"Echo, thank god! My hair, please. I'm having a mental breakdown right now, one of the girls hasn't turned up yet, ugh," she grunted.

"Calm down, Layla. Here, I'll help you do your hair. Have you tried calling her?" I said.

"Yup, no answer."

"Layla, Emma's here!" Someone shouted.

"Oh, thank god," she breathed a sigh of relief.

"See, don't worry too much okay, you're gonna do great." I smiled at her, while finishing doing up her hair.

"Thanks Echo, see you later! I'll be looking forward to your speech." She hugged me and left.

My speech. It was something I've been preparing for, for an extremely long time, something I wrote about a long time ago.

After presenting all the certificates, the performances were starting. I looked around and saw Levi's arm around Sierra's shoulder, holding her close, they looked happy. I turned away and focused on the performance that was starting.

"And now, let's welcome our singing club." The host announced.

Layla was stunning in her long, beautiful white angelic dress. She led the singing club with perfection. Her voice was beyond beautiful. They sang "Graduation (Forever Friends) by Vitamin C" and "See you again by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth". Tears were shed, and it was honestly an emotional performance, thinking about all the days we spent here.

After a few more performances, I got ready to present my speech.

"Last but not least, we have Echo, here to present the last and final speech."

I walked up to the stage, with my graduation gown, a piece of paper in my hand. I heard a round of applause, and although I was extremely nervous, this was the speech I was dying to give once the English teacher assigned me to it.

"Hello everyone! I still can't believe this is the end. When I was asked to give this speech, I was constantly thinking about what should I say exactly? With this, I begin my speech."

I inhaled a long breath before starting.

"Our train ride. When we first boarded the train, everyone sat quietly at their own respective seats. Our faces could not hide the sense of fear and anxiety not knowing who to trust. On that train ride, a few brave ones stepped up and broke the ice. We started warming up to each other and along the way, we teamed up against any sort of obstacles. Any hurdle that passed our way, became a stepping stone for all the passengers to work together. We built a bond like no other. Here we are, reaching the final stop of our entire journey. Each of the passengers, looked out the windows of the train and saw the world that was waiting for us. We knew we had to get off the train soon and move on to different destinations. But for the very last time, we looked at all the passengers and knew that this trip made us who we are today."

I paused, looked at the silent crowd, listening in awe, and continued.

"The conductor halts the train as the last bell rings, tears run down our cheeks, and like people in the army leaving their families, we left our second home."

When I finished, I felt a tear drop from my eye and looked up again, to see a standing ovation, with students hugging one another. I saw Layla waiting for me down the stage, and I ran to her, hugging her tightly.

As soon as all that was over, all that was seen was flashing lights from cameras' and all that was heard was the loud chatter of students and clicking of the cameras'.

The last person I was left to take a picture with was Levi. He seemed so busy, so different, so foreign, like I never existed to him. I walked to him asking him for a picture.

"Echo! I was looking for you!" He shouted over the chatter and laughter of students.

Yeah clearly you were looking for me, I mentally thought. Hmph.

"Shall we take one?" I asked, smiling. I could see Sierra burning holes through my head, but I decided to ignore her, knowing this would be my last time anyways, she has him forever, what more did she want?

He took my polaroid camera and put a V sign over my head. I leaned in close to him, and he did the same. We smiled brightly.

The sound of the camera shutter could be heard and voila, there goes our last picture together. We broke apart, and he smiled at me, a genuine smile.

"Your speech was amazing. See you soon, alright?"

"Thanks Levi." I smiled, wishing I could feel him for the last time.

He raised his fist for me to bump it, and I laughed, bumping it.

I turned to walk away, muttering to myself, "Goodbye, Levi."

I looked at the polaroid, realising two things.

One, he didn't want one with me, he didn't ask for one, probably thinking we're still going to see each other anyway. Only if he knew this would be the last.

Two, the letter, shit!

I quickly ran to my bag through a crowded bunch of students to get it. When I went back to him, I saw a crowd cheering around the place he stood, only to see him kissing Sierra in front of everyone, while carrying her in his arms. What a sight to see, definitely!

With tears, I looked away, only to see Layla searching frantically for me, and when she saw me, she ran towards me and led me away to a quieter place.

"I...I couldn't give it to him." I sniffled.

She didn't say anything, but just hugged me close to her, patting my back to soothe me.

"Layla, give it to him tomorrow, please. Tell him I left and give it to him." I begged her.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes, Layla. I don't think I can face him anymore, I don't think I want to. I want to start afresh and I need to forget him." I honestly said.

"Alright Echo, alright."

I took out the polaroid once more, caressing it, thinking about how the picture was going to fade over time, and so was my feelings for him, and that was the only hope I held onto.

You'll fade away from my life, Levi Black.

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