Chapter 35 : "a time machine"

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Don't fall asleep,

at the wheel,

we've got a million miles ahead of us.

- Let Me Love You : DJ Snake, Justin Bieber

{Layla pov}

I received a text message from Levi, it was a picture, with some messy handwriting which I recognised to be Echo's. Below the picture, was Levi's text, saying Echo wrote this for me.

I was in my car, just after work, and I quickly opened the picture he sent me, as I tried to calm down, the tears threatening to fall.

Dear Layla,

If you're reading this, I'd already probably have gone away. Writing this isn't easy, but I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me and Levi. You've always helped us, supported us and rooted for us. I can't thank you enough for being the only one who believed in me.

All aside however, you're the best friend I was fortunate enough to be given. The day you stepped into my life, it was like I could breathe, it was like there was someone on my side now. Who would have thought that two opposites together made the friendship the best one, huh?

Layla, you aren't just my best friend, as the years passed, I realised that you are my soulmate. I wish we had more time to do the things we promised we would do back then, but promise me, you will, with Lucas, with Alison, oh and drag Levi too.

I'm sorry that you always had to listen to me more than I did to you, you never once blamed me, nor did you complain about it, you never judged me for anything I did, and for that I'm really, extremely thankful.

Tell your kids about me, alright? Tell them I'm in the stars, I'll always look over them for you, and I'll look after you you too, Layla. Remember our one day? Go make that dream come true, Layla. I love you, always.


Your Echo.

I placed the phone down on my lap, my forehead against the steering wheel, the tears flowing, my throat hurting, and my heart breaking.

I was reminded of the speech I gave at her funeral service,

"Hello, I'm Layla, Echo's best friend. Echo and I grew up together, from our childhood to our teenage years, to adulthood. Echo was my soulmate, she meant everything to me. We made so many promises, so many wishes throughout the years, we fulfilled some, and the rest we couldn't." I paused for a while.

"When she left to Paris, people thought our relationship would fade over the years, but only the both of us knew how the long distance made our friendship stronger that it already was. From all those late night calls, to us meeting after so long, drinking till we passed out in her room, and even just talking, I miss my best friend so much. We made a promise a long time ago, saying we'd travel the world together, plan a road trip together, singing songs with the windows down, driving towards the sun setting, and that was the last promise we didn't fulfil. It might have been unfortunate in some way, instead we did things we never thought we'd do, like driving to the nearest petrol station to get pads, me holding her hair while she was throwing up after getting drunk, snacking on her bed while watching Netflix, going to cafes' to talk about life, and hugging her each time like it was the last."

I walked a little to the middle of where the audience were seated,

"Echo always said she believed that whenever her loved ones passed on, she said they became stars who'd look over her from the night sky. Tonight, I urge all of you who knew the beautiful, talented, selfless Echo, to look up at the sky to see the brightest star shining, and you'll find her. I miss you, Echo. We love you."

I drove back home, to see Lucas also parking in the drive way. We got down from our cars, after parking them, and he walked towards me, "Hi, baby. How was your day?"

He placed his arm around my shoulder, holding me to his side, "Hi, it was surprisingly good." I smiled at him.


"Oui, baby?"

"Should we start planning for that road trip we've been talking about?"

He smiled in approval, "Of course. Let's do it, baby!"

My drunk best friend once said, "Layla, we've got a million miles ahead of us." And I can't agree more.

Instead of driving to where the sun was setting, I'm going to drive to the brightest star, for you, Echo, for you.

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