Ch 39: Challenge

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I rushed through a dark forest. Packed, icy snow was on the ground, but I kept my footing using the blunt claws on my toes for balance.

I had a nagging feeling of dread, and my heart pounded in my chest. Although I could not remember, I knew that I had run this way many times before. Somehow I still knew that every time before I had been too late.

But maybe. Maybe this time I would get there in time to stop...

What, I could not remember, but the chills that slipped down my spine from the back of my neck did. They nagged at me, pushed me on.

My worry centered around those I loved. My parents, my brother, Matthias, Serge, the people of both my packs, the fighters of the Trifecta. Everyone was in danger and I had to hurry.

I panted as I crested an exposed ledge of lichen covered rock and surveyed the scene before me.

I had expected to see a fierce battle raging in the flat area below me, but it was oddly empty.

But not quite empty. Through a thick fog, I could see the shadows of a pair of wolves fighting.

Heart in my throat, I leapt down the ledge and cautiously made my way closer to the fight. I recognized only one of the wolves, large and covered in grey and white fur.

I had run through the forest with Serge more than once. I recognized his frosted grey appearance, his scent, and even the sound of his vocalizations, although he never used such an aggressive tone with me.

I whimpered as the unfamiliar wolf crushed him to the ground with his teeth around Serge's throat. I jumped forward and tried to throw myself between Serge and his aggressor.

I was too late. Serge's neck was little more than a ripped gap of sinew and meat. His body crumpled limply to the ground.

The snow beneath him turned red.

It hurt and I howled.

* * * * * * * * *

I woke, covered in sweat with my heart pounding frantically.

The images of the dream slipped away, leaving me only with vague impressions of terror and pain.

There was a knock on my door. "Elise?"

Matthias? "Y-yeah?"

"Can I come in?"

"S-sure," I agreed. I had slept in my clothing from the previous day so I was well covered.

The door opened and Matthias walked in. "You were whimpering," he said.


"And you're crying. What were you dreaming?"

I wiped my cheeks and my fingers came away wet. I looked at Matthias. "I d-don't remember. I n-never do."

Matthias' eyebrows were still drawn together. "Maybe you should try to go back to sleep."

I pushed off my covers and exhaled. "I d-don't think I can. There's too much today." My heart was still beating like it thought I might die.

Matthias frowned. "Breakfast then?"

"Yeah," I agreed.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, stood up shakily and walked out to the coffee scented kitchen with Matthias. My legs felt unstable, but Matthias would catch me if I fell. I took comfort that he was with me.

* * * * * * * * *

I considered trying to cook eggs again with Matthias there to save the house from burning down, but I decided to hold off since I was still taking a break from intentionally aggravating the curse.

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