Ch 4: Protective Rage

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Matthias' POV

I watched as Elise smiled, trying to put me at ease, but there was nothing besides spilling that bastard's blood to remove the curse that could truly accomplish that feat.

I have killed enemies in battle before, because in battle it truly is kill or be killed. Wanting to protect my people and my home is familiar to me, but I've never before felt this overwhelming emotional desire to take my revenge on another person.

I had always thought I was a fairly relaxed guy, right up until the moment I found out she had been cursed and taken away while I was helping clean up the mess from the battle.

Elise had been my closest friend since longer than I could remember. She had always been caring, but that was counterbalanced by her indomitable spirit.

She had also always been pretty. I had known that fact from a young age in the same way I had recognized her black hair and sweet brown eyes and the fact that she had always been more delicate and a bit smaller than me, although the size difference between us had become more pronounced as we got older.

There had been no single particular moment when I had realized the significance her beauty had on me. It was more like time had gradually worn away childhood, like weather eroding a rock, and at the end of it she had been there, exactly the same person as she had always been, but at the same time intriguing in entirely new ways.

How could I not care for her?

I could see that bastard was putting on a pretty good show of shame at what he had done to Elise, but I was not convinced by his little innocent regretful act.

In the past I had not failed to notice more than one repugnant male resting their gazes on Elise for just a moment too long and I could not escape the protective jealousy I had felt in those moments.

What I felt now was magnified a hundred fold. It seemed just as likely it had been an accident as the bastard had spotted her in passing while dealing with Nick and had simply taken the opportunity to have her for himself. It was all too easy to imagine him abusing his power to have her in his reach.

I had intended to make clear my feelings for her, but there had always been something in the way. Another attack, her father's injury, or all the other work that needed to be done. Always something that drew my time and attention away from her.

And even when we had leisure time together, what did I do? I binge watched entire series with her; we went for runs through the forest in our wolf forms, I let her beat me occasionally at video games... Well, there were games were she could absolutely hold her own and one or two where she could legitimately kick my butt.

But none of that mattered now.

Except the question remained.

Why had I not just threw caution to the wind any of those times?

The answer was obvious in retrospect.

She was my best friend and I had been scared to screw that up and lose her entirely, too much the coward to take the risk, at least not without some definitive sign from her.

Of course, I had thought I had the luxury of time.  I believed I would always have tomorrow to find the perfect moment to convince her that we were made for each other.

But now that bastard had stolen all her free tomorrows with his damn curse. "If he hurts you, I want you to tell me about it."

She met my eyes shakily. "I don't think th-th-they mean to harm m-me."

"Harm you further," I corrected darkly.

"F-further," she agreed, sounding resigned. I did not miss the way her voice caught on the words as if it were difficult for her to admit the truth.

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