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Sorting Hat

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"So you're telling me... I have to sprint... At the wall?" Jungkook asked staring at the brick wall.

Jimin nodded. "Yup. Yuju you go first." 

Jungkook's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he watched Jimin's sister disappear into the wall. "What... She- She-"

"Your turn!" Jimin said giving Jungkook a shove into the platform. 

Jungkook stumbled around on the other side before to smacked right into a stranger. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." 

"It's okay, getting on the platform is kinda confusing." The stranger hummed.

Jimin came through the platform with their things. Laughing to himself as he apologized to Jungkook. 

"Is that your owl?" The stranger asked.

"Yeah! His name is Rowlet!" 

"Awwwww, he's so cute! I'm Taehyung by the way." He hummed as he scratched the owl's head. "Wanna get a space on the train together?" 


Jin jumped on the train as soon as he saw it, waving goodbye to his hyperactive parents. He was hoping to try and calm himself down before the sorting ceremony later that night. He loved his parents but they kept bombarding him with which house he might get sorted into.

Gryffindor or Hufflepuff... Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. 

Would it be the worst thing if he was in a different house?

"Mind if I sit here?" Someone asked as they entered his booth.

Jin shook his head. "Feel free."

"Thanks, my name is Namjoon, yours?"

"Seokjin, but I just go by Jin."

Jin wasn't the only one avoiding his family. Yoongi was off hiding in an empty compartment, avoiding people in general. Everyone was expecting him to get sorted into Slytherin and he really, REALLY hated it.

Yoongi jumped as an animal ran into the compartment. "A ferret?" He asked as he picked the creature up.

Soon after that, a male came rushing past only to do a double-take and poke his head back in. "Nifty!" He smiled.

"Nifty?" Yoongi questioned. The male pointed to the ferret. "Ah, your familiar."

The stranger shrugged. "Not a familiar. Nifty isn't very magically inclined... What she is inclined to do is steal all my socks..." He sighed. "You're Yoongi right?"

Yoongi groaned. "Yeah... I assume I'm popular?"

"Yeah... A little... I'm Hoseok by the way." Hoseok held out his hand for a handshake. Yoongi took it with a small smile before going back to a straight face. "Thanks for catching Nifty for me though." He said sliding the ferret back into the sleeve of his robe.

"How did you come up with the name Nifty?"

"Uh... I was... Young? I never saw a ferret before so I called them Nifty and it kinda stuck." Hoseok laughed as she poked her head out from the sleeve.

Jimin had been abandoned by his sister as she went to hand out with her friends. Sitting with Taehyung and Jungkook instead. The tree of them had completely raided the trolly of sweets and were indulging themselves in betting who would get the worst flavor of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

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