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Meet Him

☽✧ ✦ ✧☾

After the commotion in the great hall the previous night Hoseok took Syubie back to the common room. Looking for Yoongi so he could show him the cat. Although when he went up to the shared dorm he found the bed empty. 

"Huh... Strange he's usually sleeping at this time." Hoseok muttered placing Syubie on his bed. Nifty was asleep in a corner, curled up like a donut. Hoseok slipped his robes off his shoulders as he undid his tie.

Syubie seemed to find something under his pillow very interesting.

Hoseok chuckled as he watched the cat's tail flick back and forth. Lifting up the pillow to pick him up again. "I don't think there is anything under there silly." 

He took more time to actually look at the cat now that he wasn't flocked by the whole school. Syubie had an adorable pink nose, matching his pink toe beans. Hoseok found the cat's front paws to be very intriguing and pretty. Little rings of gray wrapping around his toes and up his arm. 

"How did you get into Hogwarts anyway?" Hoseok questioned. "The castle is hidden away... Even for a magical creature getting inside in quite a feat," he commented placing Syubie back on his bed. 

Syubie walked back and forth at the foot of the bed as Hoseok climbed in. Walking up and jumping on his chest. Curling up and tucking his legs underneath him.

"Oh, are you comfy there?" Hoseok laughed as he pets the cat. A purr rumbling from his throat as he enjoyed the pets from Hoseok. "Sleep well kitty. Maybe in the morning, I can introduce you to my friend Yoongi."

Syubie stopped purring for a moment. The cat flicking his tail and giving Hoseok's hand a tentative lick. Then turning his head away as he curled up and closed his eyes.

Hoseok awoke with a start, birds squawking loudly outside. He frowned as he looked around, Syubie was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Yoongi, his bed didn't even look like it had been slept in. 

Hoseok simply sighed and began to get ready for the day. After chasing Nifty around the dorm for his sock for a good ten minutes he was finally able to get ready. "Why do you like socks so much? What are you? A House elf?" He asked the ferret.

The Hufflepuff made his way to the great hall where he was surprised to find Yoongi sitting with Jin and Namjoon. "When did you get in?" He questioned.

"Late last night. I was studying in the library." Yoongi told digging into the food.

Jin raised an eyebrow. "But I was in the library last night and I didn't see you?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I know a place."

"Which place? Because I know almost every inch of the library." Jin mumbled through a mouthful of food.

Namjoon sighed as he finished an assignment. "Maybe you don't because maybe Yoongi is better and stays out of the restricted section of the library."

Jin flicked some ink on Namjoon's paper who grumbled as he pulled out his wand to remove it. "Anyway, where? Is it behind the herbology section?"

"Uh... No..."

"That area behind the history bookshelves that you access by moving the goblin book end's tooth?" Jin asked.

The other three froze as they stared at Jin. "That exists?" They all asked.

Jin laughed as he waved them off. "Noooo..." He stuffed his face with food. "I was just joking..."

"Ah shoot!" Hoseok said abruptly. 

"What is it?" Yoongi asked.

"There was this cat that I named Syubie, I wanted to show you him. But when I woke up he kinda disappeared." Hoseok sighed as he slumped his shoulders.

Yoongi patted Hoseok's back. "Maybe he's off doing cat things?"

"Like what?" Namjoon asked.

"You know... Cat things. You know about cats." Yoongi muttered.

Namjoon shrugged. "I do. I'm just wondering what kind of cat things Syubie could be doing right now." 

"Catching mice? Napping somewhere?" Yoongi shrugged. "So... Hoseok you have quidditch practice later right?" He said changing the subject.

Hoseok nodded perking up again. "Yeah! I can't wait for the game soon."

"I think Ravenclaw is going to beat you. Also, how do you manage being a prefect and a quidditch player at the same time?" Jin asked. "I could never do it."

"Because you hate quidditch. In second year during tryouts, you broke your nose and then swore you'd never touch a broom again in fear of 'damaging your handsome face' as you put it." Namjoon pointed out. 

Jin shrugged. "Well still..."

After classes, Hoseok went back to the common room and found Syubie. The cat was napping on one of the sofas. "Oh hi!" Hoseok chirped as he bent down to pet the cat who woke with a start. "I knew you'd come back!"

Syubie sniffed at Hoseok before stretching out. 

Hoseok laughed. "Stay here while I change into my quidditch robes." He told the cat before rushing off to his dorm to do exactly that. 

Hoseok carried the cat out to the quidditch pitch where he saw Jungkook and Jimin fighting about something. Approaching Taehyung on the sidelines. "Hey, have you seen Yoongi?"

Taehyung shrugged. "No, I thought he was with you?" 

Hoseok shook his head, his friend had disappeared again. After having another quick conversation with the others Hoseok set out to practice. Seulgi and Jinwoo came out shortly as well.

While the three of them were busy practicing with the quaffle, Hoseok had left Syubie sitting on the sidelines. When he looked back down, however, he spotted Yoongi. Swooping back down to the ground momentarily. 

"Hey, when did you get here?" Hoseok asked.

"Just a moment ago, sorry I missed the start." Yoongi hummed.

"Did you see the cat?"

"What cat?" 

"The cat I left on the sidelines?"

Yoongi shook his head. "There wasn't any cat here when I arrived. He probably ran off."

Hoseok sighed. "You'll meet someday. Anyway, I have to get back to practice. Glad you're here to cheer me on now." He smiled.

"Alright... I'll be giving you moral support from the safety of the ground," Yoongi said softly as Hoseok took off again. Maybe Hogwarts wasn't so bad after all...

☽✧ ✦ ✧☾

In case you didn't see my announcement I changed Jimin's wand core to a dragon heartstring and Namjoon's to a phoenix feather for... reasons :D so yeah 

Also, I just have this giant list in my notes of random kpop idols and their houses like HELP

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