Chapter 5

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We stand outside my office where my parents, Beta and Delta patiently wait. I thought it would be a good idea for Raven to meet them personally. Once we're fully inside, I close my office door so no one can disturb us then go to sit on my desk chair. I take a look at the people that surround me. They all look at me for a few seconds before resting their gazes on Raven. My Beta, Brian, has his intense blue eyes trained on his Luna. My Delta, Julie, soon follows his actions as her calm hazel eyes also rest on Raven.

However, my parents are the ones who are more focused on her than Brian or Julie. I look just like my father with the same strong features, the same dark hair and dull grey eyes. My mother, on the other hand, has beautiful blonde hair, soft features and she has grey eyes too but hers are more vibrant and lively.

When I notice that no one is talking, I look over at Raven, whose head is bowed and she stares at her feet that are continuously shifting from one foot to the other. It's a strange sight, to see this stubborn and bitchy girl being so shy.

"I don't like it," Clyde mutters bitterly.

I roll my eyes at him as Raven finally looks up. She seems more confident now but her eyes give her away. Her brown orbs hold so much fear and you can also see how nervous she is.

"Hello. My name is Raven," she says in a soft voice.

Brian and Julie bow to her and Brian is the first to speak,"Greetings Luna. I'm Beta Brian."

"Greetings Luna. I'm Delta Julie."

Raven smiles at them and they smile back once their heads are lifted. I'm glad they like her. Now, it will be easier to keep her around. I'm about to introduce her to my parents when my father turns to me and glares.

"She is weak, son. I could have gotten you a girl much better than her."

"Noah, that is very rude!" my mother exclaims, furious at my father's words.

"But Mina, look at her. She's weak, has no backbone and-"

Before my father can finish his rant, he is pinned against the wall at full force and right in front of him is Raven. Her bright brown eyes are now a pitch black. A terrifying growl escapes her lips and she just pushes my father harder into the wall.

"What the fuck did you say about Raven, old fart?"

Her voice was different now. It was slightly higher and softer. And, with the black eyes, it was obvious that her wolf had full control now. My father's face is ghostly pale, his dull eyes reflecting fear and unease. Even though she is a good few inches shorter than him, I knew she would a good chance at putting up a good fight.

"Do something before she kills him," Clyde states worriedly.

"Raven," I calmly called, wanting her to give me her attention.

"I'm Gale," she growls, her anger bubbling up.

"Sorry. Gale, can you please let go of my father?"

She looks at me for a few seconds then at my father. She hesitates then goes closer to his face, her eyes boring into his,"You're lucky I love my mate so much because I swear I would have killed you right now. And, for the record, Raven is a very strong girl and she has more backbone than a fucking piece of chicken shit like you. So, watch what you say or next time you'll see just how strong Raven can be."

She lets go of him then turns her gaze to me. She gives me a smile so sweet that it could put sugar to shame and skips her way towards me. Then, to my surprise, she swings her arms around my neck, coming very close to my face.

"Hey, gorgeous. Sorry that you had to see this side of me. I'm usually the calmer one. Can you ever forgive me for my outburst?"

Her eyes are still black so her wolf is definitely still in control. Raven would never talk to me like this. Heck, the word 'fuck' wasn't even used in that sentence. Raven would also never apologise to me.

"Miss her?" my wolf teases.

"Shut up."

"How about a little apology for the trouble I've caused?" Gale speaks up, making me give her my attention again.

She leans up and plants a full-blown kiss on my lips. The small gesture sends sparks throughout my body, like fireworks on the 4th of July. My eyes widen at the contact but it doesn't last as she rips herself away from me. I look at her and the first thing I notice are her eyes. They're brown again and they're filled with shock and anger. She huffs in annoyance as she stomps out of the office and slams the door shut behind her.

"Guess she does have a backbone. I love her," my mother blurts out, clapping her hands excitedly as she seems to forget about husband who is slumped on the floor.


I can't believe I just did that.

This thought runs through my mind as I flop onto the bed in Cal's room. I grab a pillow and hug it tightly like my life depended on it. I can't think straight with all these thoughts racing through my head.

"Gale?" I call, my tone filled with pain.

I'm in pain. It's all I can feel right now. Those words that Cal's father said to me have put my heart and head in a very bad place. He said the same words someone else once said to me a very long time ago. Even though so many years have passed since the, these words still manage to stab into my heart and poison my soul.

"I know Raven. Let it out," Gale softly speaks, trying to calm me.

I begin to cry as I remember one particularly horrid memory.


"Stop! Please!" I yell as a little girl, waiting for the person to stop hurting me.

"You are a piece of shit!" He yells, kicking me in my ribs over and over again.

"What did I do wrong. Please tell me and I'll make it right," I cry.

He suddenly stops and grabs a large clump of my hair and roughly pulls it until I'm dangling off the floor and facing him. I struggle in pain as he glares at me with the hatred of a wild fire burning in his eyes.

"You know what my problem is? You were born."


I continue to cry as the memory subsides. Once it does, I somehow feel proud with myself after I think back to what happened in Cal's office. I can't believe I did that. I was confident. Yes, Gale was the one who took over but I allowed her to take control. I don't believe I've ever had that much control before in the past.

Just as I calm down, Cal walks in and looks at me but he still is emotionless as he addresses me,"Look, I'm glad you changed my dad's mind and you were very strong, which is a good trait to have in this pack. But mind explaining that kiss?" he asks.

I stare at him as my cheeks heat up. Fucking Gale. I'm about to explain when the door bursts open and Brian stands there with wide eyes,"Alpha, rogues have been detected on our land."

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