Chapter 29

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I open my eyes and see that I am on a hospital bed with all sorts of wires on me, the curtains have been drawn back and no one is in sight. My heart monitor starts beeping wildly as I begin to panic, unable to remember what happened to me. Just then, Dr. Evans walks in, drawing the curtains back before turning and walking over to me. My monitor slowly decreases it's insistent beeping and I relax as she begins to look me over.

"Are you okay? Any pain around your stomach or any stress?" she asks, her tone soothing and calm.

I shake my head as I look around, my eyes tearing up as I see that Cal isn't here. I put my hands over my eyes and begin to cry mostly because of Cal's absence and also because of hormones.

"What's wrong, Raven? Is your stomach hurting again?" Dr. Evans questions, giving me a worried look.

"Even when I'm in a hospital bed he won't come and see me. Am I really still just a tool to him?"

My heart feels like it's being ripped out of my chest, pulling itself apart like play dough. No words can describe how utterly betrayed I feel. He said he loved me, that he would climb over every mountain and swim across oceans just to be by my side. So, why isn't he here now?

Dr. Evans sighs with pity as she softly takes a hold of my hands and gives me a small smile,"He's just out on a run to clear his head. He feels guilty for pushing you away and I'm positive when he gets back he'll be right here next to you."

Her words give me hope, like a candle that brings just a little bit more light into a dark room. It's not a lot but it's enough for me to believe what she says is true. A small smile appears on my lips as I wipe away my remaining tears and rub my belly for comfort.

"Don't worry, Raven. Everything is going to be okay, I know it," Gale pipes up, making my smile grow.

"Thanks. I needed that," I giggle.

Just then, we hear rustling outside the door and our ears perk up as we turn our attention to it.



I sit by a river in my human form as guilt penetrates my chest like an illness. I wish it would go away but maybe I need this. Maybe it's punishment for what I did to Raven and maybe I just need to be punished more.

"Don't say that!" Clyde barks, his anger flaring.

"It's true! All I'm ever going to do is hurt her. Nothing will change that and I don't think it will get better."

"Don't push her away, Cal. She won't be able to handle that and you will only hurt her more. Don't make the same mistake like you did with Lily."

My eyes widen at the mention of her name and also at the realisation that he's right. I pushed Lily away and she ended up dead. I don't want the same thing to happen to Raven. I love her.

"Then go show your love to her."

With a new found determination, I jump up and sprint to the house as fast as I can. I just want to see her and I just want to make her happy. I'll end the war and I'll make things right between us. I stop in my tracks when I see a bunch of cars parked outside the pack house. Unfamiliar scents waft through my nose as well as those of silver and wolfsbane.


My thoughts immediately fall on Raven and the baby. I don't hesitate to burst through the door. But I'm stopped in my tracks at the sight before me.

"Cal, get out of here!" Raven yells, while the new leader of the hunters pulls her roughly back to his chest, a silver blade being placed by her throat.

I can hear fighting going on at the back of the house but my main focus is on what is happening before me. Raven is already so weak from the incident and she can't fight back unless she wants to be killed.

What do I do? I don't have a weapon and even if I did, I could still hit Raven or worse, the baby.

"So, your the famous Cal who killed our previous leader? I must thank you, for his death allowed me to take over but you are an unholy creature so you can understand why I won't be doing that," the leader smirks, holding Raven closer to him.

"Let her go," I dangerously growl with murderous intent hidden behind my eyes.

"If I do, can I have the privilege of killing you?" he teases.

I look into Raven's beautiful cognac eyes that are wide and full of fear. It angers me to see her like this so I look away and give a simple nod, to which the leader grins.

"No, don't be stupid, Cal! Get out of here!" she screams at me but it's already too late.

The leader rolls his eyes at her as he throws her to the side. She lands on her back with a thump and I look over in worry. She looks at me with tears flowing down her cheeks, the fear of losing me swirling in her gorgeous eyes. The leader charges at me, making my attention snap towards him as he comes at me with a knife. Just as he gets close enough, I send him flying with a punch to the gut and he lands at the other end of the room. His eyes widen while I give him a taunting smirk.

"You never said I couldn't fight for my life," I comment, making him grit his teeth as he gets up once more.

He charges at me full speed but I dodge and kick his back making him fall down again. I jump on his back and I wrap an arm around his throat and begin to choke him. He makes grunts and gurgles as I am close to ending his life when he suddenly grabs a hold of his silver blade and stabs my arm. My arm begins to burn and as I loosen my grip, he pushes me away and jumps on top of me. I struggle to try and get him off of me as he tries to slit my throat.

Is this the end?

Suddenly, an animalistic growl erupts around us as a midnight blue wolf jumps up and grabs the leader in its powerful jaws before throwing it off of me. The leader crashes into a wall and falls down in pain. I look up at the wolf in shock as obsidian eyes stare at me with worry. The wolf is barely able to stand on it's own, looking terribly weak but it still comes closer to help me up.

"It's Raven."

I grin as she helps me up with her snout and I shift as well. I make sure to help her balance on her trembling legs as the hunter tries to get up. We don't waste any time and charge at him, each slamming him into the wall. Before he can crawl off, I grab him by the neck and crush it with my teeth; dropping his lifeless body to the floor afterwards. Both me and Raven shift back into our human forms but her legs give out and she collapses into my arms.

"You're still weak, why'd you do that?" I ask, looking down at her with worry in my eyes.

"You may be a complete idiot but you're my complete idiot, and I'd climb over every mountain and swim across oceans just to be by your side," she grins.

I breathe out a laugh before giving her lips a quick kiss,"Stay here, I'll be back soon."

I race outside to help the others fight. There are already many hunters lying dead on the floor and I just help to add to that number. In the end we win, the hunters are destroyed without the guidance of their leader and as everyone celebrates, I head back inside. I find Raven resting against a wall and I smile as I scoop her into my arms. She giggles as I spin her around before staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

Pack members start filing as I give her the good news,"The war is over, my love."

"Then this calls for a celebration."

Without warning, she pulls me into a kiss and I smile against her lips as I press her closer to me. Passion flows between us and as people cheer in joy. Peace finally settles over our world and as I kiss my beautiful mate, I know things are going to be okay.

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