The quadbrid

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It's been two weeks and I've been growing into the vampire thing but I only drink animal blood because I don't want to break my werewolf curse. I told my brother and sister about it and they have been really supportive about it training me and all. We've been living normally until one mourning there were people that came and they told us that if we don't have a guardian, which we don't and our family doesn't respond or take us in they will have to put us in an orphanage because we are all underage.

When no one came we went to the orphanage and not only that we were split up I was alone and since then I never saw them. I never saw my sister's smile and heard my brothers lectures. They were just-just...... gone.

It's been about three years and I'm now 12 years old and still living in the orphanage but I still sneak off into the forest when I need to feed or practice my magic. I go to school and I have a friend, his name is Dean Winchester apparently he was named after his late uncle. Dean and I are best friends but he doesn't know I'm an orphan or that I'm a supernatural and still don't know what kind I was supposed to be a tribrid but I was made an angel so maybe I'm a....quadbrid, yeah let's call it that I'm a quadbrid. Anyways I still get attacked by witches sometimes vampires but I kill them all I took one and tortured him for answers and he told me that there's some witch called Maya, she wants to steal my magic because me having the angel part it makes me the most powerful supernatural on the planet. I can't lie I was stunned by that fact but got over it.

"Hey stranger" I turn around and smile in excitement to see Dean and I ran at him giving him a big hug.

"If we haven't seen each other all summer it doesn't mean we're strangers, hello but the way" I say  with an annoyed look on my face.

"Well that is true but I just thought I could mess with you a little" he say patting me on my back sarcastically and he asks "So what were you up to all summer is there a new boy in your life?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

I laughed ,"What are you scared someones gonna take your place" I say sarcastically "Or are you worried someone's gonna make a move on me before you do, huh"

"Uh-um" I cut him of quickly with a kind of disgusted look saying "I'm kidding, you are like a brother to me I don't see you in that way whatsoever, don't worry about it"

He lets out a sigh of relief saying "ooh I was about to throw up thinking about it cause whoever you date is signing up for a ride through hell and back"

I look at him with a gasp hitting him on his arm playfully causing him to say"I'm kidding, I'm kidding" Then we burst out laughing heading to school.

We met up after school." Wanna hang today?" Dean asks me

"How could I say no" I say with my hand on my heart being dramatic unnecessarily with a smirk on my face in my usual english accent which made it even more dramatic causing us both to laugh.

We went to the forest for a kind of walk but Dean fell and cut his hand and I smelt it then he looked at me my eyes were red and vein formed under my eyes my vangs came out then I saw his face he said with a horrified and betrayed look,"Your a vampire" he said, my veins disappeared and then I saw him pull a machete out of his bag and I was stunned I looked at him and said "wait,please don't do this I-I never killed a human before I feed on animals please don't kill me." Then I ran at him using my vamp speed grabbing the machete and throwing it away then I looked at him in the eye and compelling him"You don't have to kill me" and he look at me and simply nodded and then let go of him.

"How did you do that I suddenly don't feel the need to kill you?" He asked

"I compelled you, it's a vampire thing" I told him because I trust him he is my bestie after all. But then I realized that he knew I was a vampire when he saw my face "How did you know I was a vampire I mean you could've guessed something else, and how did you know that you could kill me if you cut my head off with a machete?" I asked

He looked at me and said truthfully since he knew I could see through him," I'm a hunter I hunt anything supernatural that leaves behind a trail of bodies."

"But you were about to kill me and I didn't leave behind a trail of bodies" I spat

"I thought you were about to drain me of blood and, you know kill me" he said defending himself.

"Okay let's stop arguing pointlessly, I wouldn't kill you even if I wanted to because I'll break my werewolf curse and I'm not too happy about breaking every bone in my body" I say with sarcasm dripping from my voice

"Wait, wait, wait, wait one second.. your a werewolf?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"I am but you won't remember anything that happened here we just came out went for a walk, you fell ,cut yourself then we went home." I compelled him.

"Why would you want that to happen, why would you want me to forget?" He asked me and i was stunned I compelled him how did he resist.

"How is that possi-" I started coughing it felt like I was breathing in razor blades and then it hit me it was atomized vervain. My skin started burning so I ran and grabbed him and vamped us away where there wasn't vervain in the air. To make sure I did a wind spell."da mihi spirituum ventum" and a strong gust of wind blew the vervain air away.(the spell translated to english is spirits give me wind).Then I saw something moving in the woods I saw a person walking towards us and then I see a man with long hair but still short he's very tall which was intimidating.

Just as I'm about to charge Dean say's with a confused/surprised face "Dad?" And I look at him then the man. Is that really the famous Sam Winchester Dean always talks about?

"Dean what are you doing here?" Sam say's

Dean replies sarcastically"I'm taking a walk in the mall" then he says with a 'use your common sense' look saying"I'm hanging out with Chloe in the forest duh"

His father looks at me"So your the best friend Dean always talks about"

"Yeah I guess so" I say in a nervous tone because she's someone released the atomized vervain and it's not Dean's father because Dean would be wearing a vervain bracelet or be on vervain.

Sam looks at Dean and asks,"Can I talk to Dean in private please?"

"Okay" I say but it won't make a difference because I can hear them anyway.

"There is a witch here with a vampire killing people and are supposedly looking for someone and they are here in this forest"Sam tells his son

I think it would be the right thing to do if I tell them I can help or can I leave them and fight a battle for me but that won't be fair those people are looking for me and not them and they don't stand a chance. Yeah let me tell them anyway if I do tell them I'll have people to talk to about the supernatural parts in me and not have someone look at me funny.

I snap out of my thoughts then walk towards them then saying"I can help"which causes Sam to look at me confused then I say "with the vampire and witch"

He looks at his son in a somewhat disappointed look saying "you couldn't keep it a secret could you"

Then I say "No I knew about the supernatural for like forever seeing I am a supernatural being"

Sam looks at me then asks "what kind of supernatural being"

"A quadbrid"I reply with confidence then I heard a witch chanting a locater spell then I look towards Sam,"They're coming from there" I say pointing the direction the witches voice came from.

Then I saw a woman with a vampire beside her. She looked at me with a dark smirk.

The vampire beside her yelled,"That's her it's the one you were looking for Maya!" And I look at her with a little bit of shock but wipe the expression off my face quickly.

"So your the famous Chloe I've heard about" she says with a hint of sarcasm in her voice,"Well maybe I think I should've come for you myself a long time ago" Says the so called 'witch'.

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