Fulfilled Promises

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She walked out into Mr Saltzman's the office and it looked like he was guessing what Chloe would say when she walked in.

"We need to talk" she said, her British accent clear.

"You could start by explaining what you meant when you said Hope is your responsibility." Alaric said growing impatient.

"Klaus" Chloe simply said.

"What about Klaus?" He asked her completely lost at how Klaus came into the picture.

"I was sent here by Klaus do I have to spell it out" said Chloe in an tone of irritation.

"So he asked you to look after his daughter before he died" he clarified and she nodded. "Why would he ask you?" He asked skeptically

"You offend me Mr Saltzman, I'm very capable to do alot of things" she said with a smirk, "but no, he asked my pack but pack chose me to protect her when I get into this school" she said gesturing to the school with her hand's.

"Why are you telling me this then, wouldn't you rather keep this a secret" he asked raising a brow.

"Because you need to make combat into one of your teaching categories" she suggested.

"No not at all" he said rejecting the idea.

"Why not, Hope was trembling when she had to kill or even injure a murderer if I didn't kill that dragon in time Hope would have been dead." She put a point forward.

"Your asking me to make kids killers" he said , "And Hope trains with me she knows how to fight" he said walking away from the blonde girl.

"What about your daughters?" She asked and he stopped in his tracks.

"They have me to protect them" he said walking out of the office and she shook her head slowly in disbelief.

She then went back to her room she shared with the twins and felt danger hovering over the school but was snapped out of these thoughts by Lizzie squeezing the life out of her.

"What was that for, are you trying to kill me" Chloe joked.

"I missed you and we actually had fun at the game today" She exclaimed referring to the game Chloe wanted to do but was forced to leave with Mr Saltzman.

"I'm sure if I was there we would've had more fun and Dana wouldn't dare bother you"Chloe said cockily.

"Maybe, maybe not, we'll find out at the next game right" Lizzie said lifting a pinky so she could make a pinky promise.

And the duo went to sleep in their respective beds after one last hug and good night along with it.

Chloe woke up and prepared for the day ahead by putting on a black sports bra and tights to match with a tracksuit jersey over.

She grabbed a blood bag and hid it inside her jersey before leaving for her 'morning jog' note the sarcasm. She jogged out through the trees until she was far enough she had her breakfast and when she came back she felt a presence in the school but soon shrugged it off and went into her room for a shower. She got out and put on a beige sleeveless jumpsuit and a pair of black strap heels tying her hair into a high ponytail before curling the hair in her ponytail, not bothering to put on any makeup before heading to her first class being history she sat down knowing everything since she's heard most of the stories from her father or father-figure. A few minutes later she was summoned by the annoying pain in the arse or formally known as Mr Saltzman.

When she got there she literally only listened here and there so all she heard was that Hope and Josie was leaving, and Chloe is staying along with Lizzie and she just went about her day.


Chloe was minding her own business when she saw Lizzie coming in the school looking weak making Chloe rush to her aid but Emma Tig, one of the teachers beat her to it.

It turned out that there was a new monster, an actual gargoyle.

Lizzie was slowly dying and everyone was hiding from the gargoyle using an invisibility spell but since she's not affected by witch magic caused by other witches so she decided to attack the monster as she didn't want to show the school that she's a witch.

She was fighting the gargoyle until Hope appeared and they fought alongside each other until they realized that they were struggling.

The monster went for Hope but Chloe jumped in the way and the gargoyle stuck it's claw through her abdomen making her fall to her knees and cry out in pain.

"I've done everything I promised" she said with a smile as the gargoyle cut her head clean off killing her.

Mr Saltzman killed the gargoyle almost killing himself.

The gargoyle being dead healed Lizzie as it's scratch was killing her so Lizzie stood up to look for her best friend and father only to  find Chloe lying on the floor lifeless in Hope's arms, Hope was sad but didn't say a word.

Lizzie ran to them with Josie on her trail and started crying, the twins have grown close to her so they felt pain as they looked at their friend's body with her head severed.

Hope felt a strange pain in her chest but shrugged it off. Everyone in the school was dejected and sad about Chloe's death or sad for the twins sadness.

Chloe died protecting Hope, fulfilling her promise to the man she regarded as Father.

She died an honorable death.

                          Word count 938

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