First Date (Sam)

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Sam x Fem!Reader
Warnings; fluff, slight language, adult Sam, British reader, it was an idea I had so some of the characters might be a bit different to the movie, added character

(Y/n)'s P.o.V

"Do I really have to babysit and work for you? When I'm only getting paid for one job?" I groan as Juliet rushes around. Her daughter Lucy sits on the counter next to me, giggling. As I lift myself onto the counter to sit next to her, I glare at her. She sticks her tongue out at me, and I gasp dramatically. We stare at each other before bursting into laughter. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with the kid, but it's Saturday and Sam comes to the shop, has done every week for 6 years, only missed a few days. We've been friends since we were kids, so I guess it was bound to happen that I get a crush on him. I mean who wouldn't. Anyway, Lucy knows that I like him and she loves to tease me at every chance.

"It's only for 5 hours, (Y/n). You'll be fine taking care of her," Juliet appears in front of us holding her bags. She puts them down and walks over to us. "Now both of you be good, and please don't ruin the shop." She gives us a stern look, then hugs both of us. We walk her to the door before saluting her as she gets into the car.

"So... What do we do first?"

Time Skip

It's been 2 hours since Juliet left and we've eaten a tub of Ben and Jerry's each. Thankfully only a few customers have come in so Lucy and I have been dancing and eating most of the time. Now we're sat on chairs in the back of he shop with the door open to see anyone walking in, watching Netflix on my phone. As Lucy starts another movie, there's a ding, indicating that someone walked in. I groan as I get up from our den and slowly make my way to the till to seem helpful.

"You two having fun back there (Y/n)?" Sam's voice makes me jump in surprise. He laughs as he places the usual items on the designated area. My face heats up and I hear Lucy getting up from where we were sat. Sam greets her, and they both chat while I scan the items. I keep quiet, clearly not wanting to embarrass myself further, however Lucy has other ideas. She nudges my side before saying how I haven't been on a date before, or had a boyfriend. Laughing, she continues about how ironic it is; I'm 24, I'm a hopeless romantic and spend a large amount of time thinking of cute dates. I can feel Sam looking at me, so I keep my head down, not wanting to see his look of pity or amusement. Lucy's phone rings in the other room thankfully, so she leaves us in an awkward silence.

"Do you wan-"

"I'm so sorr-" we both say at the same time. He looks at me with those gorgeous eyes and smiles. 

"Do you want to go out sometime? Not as a date if you don't want to-" he starts but I cut him off, on purpose this time,

"You don't have to do this out of sympathy you know. Besides, Lucy is trying and succeeding in embarrassing me." I laugh awkwardly, frowning afterwards. Sam's just being nice and polite, he wouldn't actually want to go out with me. Glancing up, I see that Sam is frowning too. He reaches his hand over to me and pulls me around the counter so I'm stood face to face with practically no space between us. He places both hands firmly on my arms and looks at me with a serious look. 

"I've wanted to go out with you on a date for years, I've just never had the courage, and Lucy knows that. And don't you dare assume I would only take you on a date out of pity. You're gorgeous, kind and so much more. Every week I can wait to come to this shop so I can see you for 10 minutes. We've been friends since we were kids (Y/n), and I've always had a crush on you. So, I'm asking you this because I want to, will you go on a date with me?"

I stand there, stunned. His eyes gaze into mine, seeming desperate and scared, as if after everything he said will scare me away. Slowly, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close. We stand in the middle of the shop hugging each other tightly. One of his hands claps on my head, rubbing gently, while the other lays on my back. I nod, signalling that my answer to his question was yes. His chest rises and falls as he lets out a breath. Before we part, there's a sound of a shutter behind me. Oh shit, Lucy! 

"Finally! I've been trying to set you two up for ages!" She beams at us.

Time skip

Since Lucy got me my first date a couple days ago, I thought it was fair that she could help me with it. I sit on my bed as she goes through my clothes, mumbling and complaining about my 'date' clothes, or lack there of. Eventually she picks out some floral trousers, a blouse and some boots to go with it. Thankfully it's warm outside, so I won't need a jacket as we are going to the park.

Just as I finish getting my shoes on, there's a knock at the front door. Both Lucy and I shoot up, rushing to make sure I'm ready. Once I'm presentable, I walk over to the door. My hair stand on end and it feels like my heart might burst through my chest. This is something I've wanted since I knew what a date was, And it's with the boy I've had a crush on for years. What if I mess up? What if he rejects me? What if- 

The door opens, and there stands Sam. His golden hair styled perfectly, t-shirt and jeans complimenting him greatly. The look in his eyes is the only thing that shows his nervousness. Behind me, Lucy clears her throat and walks past us. "Have fun lovebirds," with a wave and cheeky smile she walks away. My face burns, but so does Sam's. He puts his arm out, smiling at me warmly. I wrap my arm around his, blushing furiously. 

"You look really pretty, like always, just a bit more done up," the butterflies in my stomach go crazy as I thank him while we walk. 

"You clean up pretty good too," I lean up and run a hand through his hair, messing it up a bit. 

Time Skip (sorry for the time skips, I promise I'll write a whole date at some point)

Today has been one of the best day's of my life. Sam has been a perfect gentleman the whole time, we laughed, we had fun and it was perfect in every way. Now we are back at my flat, stood in front of the door. Neither of us want this day to end. I open the door and catch a glimpse of the sad look on his face. Without saying anything, I walk in, leaving the door open and taking my shoes off. I look back to see his confused face. "Well are you coming in or what?" The large grin on his face mirrors mine and he almost bounces in. 

When we were kids, we used to sit and watch Star Wars while eating any sweet we could find until we would literally pass out. So that's what we are doing now. Sat together, bowls of sweet between us and Star Wars Episode One is just starting. The only difference now, is that instead of being sat with cushions between us, I'm laying against his side. 

As the third episode finishes, I yawn and stretch my arms as much as possible from my position. I look at the clock on my wall and see it's almost 2am. Sam wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his face into my neck. "Crap, I should probably get home," his voice is groggy and he runs his hands over his face. We both yawn, almost in sync, which elicits a giggle from me. After he stands up I get up too. Grabbing his arms after turning off the tv, I lead him over to my room. He stands there confused as I hand him some joggers and a t-shirt that I bought from the mens section.

"Oh you aren't going home this late, and we have slept in the same bed before," without complaining he gets changed in the bathroom after I do and joins me in my bed. We lay there in silence before I roll over to face him. "Thank you Sam, for everything, being my friend when we were kids, and staying my friend, and especially today. It's been perfect." 

Neither of us say anything else, but we sit up in the darkness of my room. His hands reach over to hold mine gently, his face leaning towards mine. I don't hesitate to push forwards, nearly pushing us over. His lips are soft and warm, everything about him is so inviting and in this moment, kissing him in my room and the only light is the street lamps outside, I know I never want him to leave my side.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Character ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora