IMPORTANCE. Not a chapter

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Hey guys I have been thinking of another book and I already have a few chapters written this is the prolouge

Remmington POV

Todays my birthday.  Well not just mine. I am a triplet. I have 1 sister and 1 brother. We all have 1 blue eye and 1 green eye. Although the only difference is I have the left eye green and the right one blue. With Lennie its reversed. I have 3 other brothers too. I have my sister Lena and my other brother Jayce. Then theres the other 3.  Hayden the goofie one, Alen is a fighter and finally we have Stephen. Hes the oldest and the most serious. Alen is my favorite he teaches me how to fight. Lennies favorite is Hayden cause they like to make trouble. Obvioiusly Jayce's favorite is Stephen. They spend most of their time in the library.  I have photographic memory. Which means I remember things very clearly. I also have a high IQ.  Atleast between me and my triblet siblings. Lennie is a painting prodigy and Jayce is really into computers. Our brothers call us the smarties.

I was on my way to dads office. Me and Lennie and Jayce were going to burts in his office and try to attack him with kisses. I had finally gotten there and knocked on the door. After pushing it open I step in and ran to dad but was stopped short when he told me to stop runnin and sit down as he needed to tell me something important. 

"Sit down Remmi. We need to speak to you.''

"Ok papa.''

As he said this I couldn't help but notice none of my family except my sister and my brother would look at me. They had emotionless faces on but Lennie and Jay were looking at me in confusion too. Mama looked like she had been crying. Papa opened his mouth but nothing in the world prepared me for what he told me.

"We need to send you away.''

"what?" I was horrified and wanted to cry.  They were sending me away!? For what I didn't do anything wrong though. I quickly thought back to if I had done anything wrong and the only time I could remember was when me and Lennie and Jay ate all the cookies in the pantry. To be fair though Hayden gave them to us and he said not to tell stephen or we would be in big trouble.  Did they tell though?

" But I didn't mean to eat the cookies I swear. Hayden gave them to us and told us not to say anything. I promise I won't eat them ever again but please don't send me away!?" I started tearing up.

"Its not about the cookies Remmington.'' Papa told me.

"We just need to send you away. Your not the only one going though Lennie and Jay will be sent away. It's not only you. You all will be seperated though.''

"Why can't we just go together? Were always together. We promised to always stay together. Please don't seperate us? You can just-''

Before I could finish my snetence Papa yelled. He never yelled at us.

"ENOUGH REMMINGTON! You all will be sepreated and thats final. Jayce will be going to Jakes, Lennie will be going to my friend Lia and you will be going to my friend Leo. These are people I trust with my life so you
will be in excellent care.

"But what about our promise? we all promised to never be seperated?''  I looked at all of my brothers and my other siblings. The only person that was crying was me, Lennie and Jay. None of my brothers would look at us. They kept looking away.

"Some promises are meant to be broken Remmington.'' papa told me. That was the last straw. I grabbed Lennie's hand and Jayce's hand and we took off running towards our secret spot in our room. The only person who knew about it was mommy. She told us to keep it a secret from papa.

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