Chapter 10

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Alessa POV

It was a good amount of time spent on the road before i seen we had pulled into a long driveway. We followed it and soon came to a large mansion. It was a little bigger than ours. We had stopped and before I had time to think my door was opened and I was being dragged towards the mansion with the chains still on me. They were pretty heavy and were really starting to hurt my wrist. I was being dragged to a room.

It was plain. It had a queen sized bed and a small dresser.  I spun around and faced the man. The Don. Not Gonna lie I forgot his name.

"This is where you will be staying until the next 3 months are over."

With that he walked out. I had made my towards the bed and seen that my cloths had already been put away. I grabbed some cloths and prepared to jump in the shower.


I had just finished drying my hair when there was a knock on the door.

"It's open" I called out.

I didn't have to wait long before the door opened and in stepped the son of the Don.

" Look I'm going to be honest with you. I'm gay. I have no interest in women much less a wife. So there's really no point in you being here."

"Um okay then."

"Since you will be here then I will warn you that you remember a few things. Never go downstairs withought someone escorting you. Specifically a maid. Second never talk back to the guards. You may he a guest here but they are ruthless and will hurt you if disrespected. And finally never and I mean never go down to the basement unless you wanna be scared to death. Got it good." Finally he turned towards the door and walked out not before he slammed it closes and I couldn't help but flinch.

~meanwhile at the Ricci/Bianchi house~

The boys watched helplessly as their little sister was taken away from them. All feeling great amount of guilt at not being able to protect her.

Finally after a few hours after she left Andrew released them. The first to recover was Stefano.

Blinded by the rage he felt at losing his little sister he turned towards their father and swung out. Successfully breaking one more nose for the day.

Andrew never expected his children to ever raise their hands at him. Which is why everyone including him was surprised when he did.

"This is all your fault!!" He screamed at him. Panting from the exhaustion.

"Stefano you need to understand that this is what needed to be done." Andrew tried to explain.

"No it's not what NEEDED to be done. It s what you wanted to do and now everyone here including Alessa will be stuck paying the price for it." He responded.

"I hope whatever you get in return is worth it Andrew because after our sister comes back to you won't be out father anymore you will simply be a man I share DNA with."  He told him. His voice as cold as ice.

With a final look he turned around and made his way to his room. Not before seeing the other brothers send the Ricci boys a glare.

~small time skip~

It had only been two weeks and the boys were already a wreck. They never spoke to anyone only amongst each other and mainly stayed in each other's rooms.

Most of the time Stefano stayed with them. They had gotten closer after this whole ordeal and the Bianchi boys were begging to see him as another younger brother.

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