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I and Amelia went to every shop even Victoria secret xavier was following us closely and when Amelia didn't allow him to go inside the Victoria secret shop, xavier threw a fit which was quiet amusing but when I made puppy eyes and kissed xavier cheeks though he grumbled but agreed.

The people were staring us and it was making me feel uncomfortable. Xavier must have noticed that as he held my hand and stroked it lightly and it really helped me relax.

We were done shopping and then we later on went to the starbuck for eating some yummy food as we all were hungry.

By the time we reached home, it's a foreign word but it feels nice, as the saying goes home is where the heart is and my heart is with xavier, I know we are moving very fast in our relationship but it's nice.

It was seven in the evening now and we all were tired. The guards have kept all the shopping bags in our room so I decided to arrange the clothes in the closet, xavier came back when I was almost done arranging the back.

He kissed my cheeks and carried me to the bed and soon we both fell asleep.

Xavier's pov

Next day, I woke up next to my princess, little sun rays were falling on her face and disturbing her, she scrunched her nose in annoyance and snuggled into me, I cooed at her and played with her silky smooth hair.

The beautiful moment was ruined by annoying ringing of my phone. I didn't want to disturb my princess's sleep as it was still early, so I went to talk to the person on the other side of the phone who had a death wish.

I snarled at the guard who dared to ruin my beautiful moment "what?". I smirked as the guard stuttered in fear "s..sir s s someone s send a courier f for y you at t the wa warehouse" I was literally pissed at him for disturbing for such a pointless thing but his next word made me beyond angry "s sir on t the c cou courier there's a p pic o of miss Daisy w wi with a r red cross ov over it."

I was about to throw the phone at the other side of the room but remembered my angel is sleeping inside and I don't want to ruin her beautiful sleep. I simply said okay and ended the call. The motherfucker who dared to threaten me using my princess is surely gonna wish to die before I reach him.

As soon as I looked at my princess all my anger vanished but soon it turned into rage as someone dared to threaten my love.

I immediately called Rodger, he picked the call after two rings, "good morning boss" Rodger said, "I want you to double the security of the mansion and I want to my best guards to be bodyguards of daisy, but daisy shouldn't know about all these and locate that motherfucker who sent the parcel".I told him and ended the call.

Then I immediately called Amelia and ordered her to come to the mansion right now. I didn't want my princess to worry about anything so I let her sleep and went to the kitchen to make something for.

Till the time I was done cooking, I thought daisy must have woken up.
As I was about to climb the stairs to check on her, someone ringed the doorbell I sighed frustrated and went to open the door. In walked Amelia with a scowl on her face.

As soon as I turned around I saw her looking at me with narrowed eyes as I opened my mouth to say something she walked inside the kitchen and I followed suit.

She sat on of the stool and looked at me "you better have a good fucking reason to disturb me at this bloody hour" she said with a glare.

I sighed and nodded my head "Today someone delivered a parcel on my name.. she cut me off "WHAT! for a fucking parcel you disturbed me at an ungodly hour".

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