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Third person's pov

Xavier got an important call in the morning informing him about the man that stole few of their drugs and also has taken a large amount of loan and has disappeared. They finally got him and he's at a bar now.

Xavier along with Sam, raven and Carter and few gaurds went to the location told to him by his gaurds but not before telling Emelia to take good care of daisy and never to leave her alone.

Xavier's pov

I didn't want to leave daisy alone but I had deal with that bastard mark who taught that I will let him off the hook so easily after he stole the drugs and my money.

I got down from the car and the guard who found him directed us towards him, raven Carter, sam and the other guards closely following us we reached the alleyway next to the bar and saw him flirting with two girls.

I fired the gun in the air and immediately mark looked at me and fell on his knee knowing well enough there's no use of trying to run, the girls got scared and ran somewhere.

I landed a strong punch his face, as soon as my hand came in contact with his face he fell down, I kneeled infront of him and looked straight in his eyes and placed my gun's tip on his forehead "Tsk,tsk mark look at yourself now from being an owner of a factory to being an begger, didn't I warn you that you will pay if you dare to cheat on us you fucking bastard".

I got up and kicked him twice "s..sir p please g give me one m more w we week please" the fucking bastard started to stutter "Too late for that you should have thought about it before trying to steal from us" I was about to punch him again when my phone started to ring.

I signalled the boys to finish him up and started to move away and that bastard's voice fading in the background.

As soon as I took my phone out from jeans I saw it was emelia, I immediately picked up the call
"What happened is everything okay" I immediately asked as soon as I answered the call, Emelia voice came out from the otherside panting and in short breaths " d..daisy,. N need backup".

As soon as I heard this all colour got drained from my face "what's happening" I asked again but the line went dead, I slammed my hand on the car window, creating a crack into it.
I smashed my phone on the wall, crumbling into pieces.

Listening to the noise Sam rushed towards to me and looked at me with confusion "what happened boss??"

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Listening to the noise Sam rushed towards to me and looked at me with confusion "what happened boss??"

"Daisy, something happened to her".

I opened opened the car door and drove towards the mansion the others following suit. I'm coming baby, stay strong.

Daisy's pov

Waking up next to xavier is always like a beautiful dream. I frowned as I didn't felt xavier strong arms around me as I turned towards xavier side I saw a note laying on the bed with a rose.

I picked up the note and it read that xavie have some work today that's why he has to leave soo early but Emelia will be here to give me some company.

Xavier maybe very busy but he never forgets to leave me a note or inform me without going anywhere, this thought made me smile.

But there was a small felling in my gut that was telling me something bad was going to happen today, but I don't know what, ignoring this feeling I went inside the bathroom and got ready for the day.

Walking down the stairs I smelt a delicious smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen, I smiled and quickly went to the kitchen. There Emelia was cooking some yummy looking pancakes.

As she heard my footsteps she looked up and smiled "good morning little bean" I smiled at the nickname she gave me as she thinks I am too small. I  think I'm just perfect height she is tooo freaking tall at a height of 5'11.

I scowled at the nickname she gave me but from inside I really liked it but I'm never gonna tell this to her.

"Good morning emy" soon we were devouring the yummy pancakes, I moaned as soon as I took a bite of the pancakes, "woww!!! It's soo yummy emy".

Emelia smirked at this and did a fake bow "of course my lady it's prepared by the great chef Emelia Jones so ofcourse it will be awesome".

We countined our breakfast with little chats in between. After having the breakfast I  cleared the table while Emelia washed the dishes.

We planned to watch some great movies and Emelia went to prepare the popcorn and juice for us while I went upstairs to bring some PJ's for us.

I was choosing the pj when I heard some noise coming from downstairs.
As soon as I went out to check what's going downstairs, as soon as I went out of the room someone held my wrist roughly from behind as I was about to shout someone placed a cloth on my mouth and nose.

As soon as I went out to check what's going downstairs, as soon as I went out of the room someone held my wrist roughly from behind as I was about to shout someone placed a cloth on my mouth and nose

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

I tried to Stop breathing but soon someone was choking me I gasped inhaling the chloroform and soon I fell in an all too familiar darkness.
The last thought on my mind was that xavier please save me after that I fell into a pool of darkness.






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