Going to a waterpark with them

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- Look me in the eyes and tell me that he knows how to swim.
- he does NOT
- drowns
- in the kiddie pool.
- you try to save him.
- he drowns you as well.

- swims laps
- makes you race him
- has goggles
- funnel cakes and ice cream is ALL you eat.

- hates the water
- doesn't like rides
- brings wipes cuz he thinks everything is going to have germs that will kill him
- buys lots of food

-y'all go on all the rides 
- pushes you in a tube in the lazy river until you fall off.
- is a really strong swimmer
- he loves watercoasters

- food is a must have
- go on the surfing things
- wins prizes for u
- got banned from one of the slides because a kid was contemplating wether or not to go down the steep slide bc he was scared. George was tired of waiting for his turn so he pushed him down it.

- lots of food
- y'all live in the lazy river
- he likes to go under water and jump out in front of u randomly to scare u


- accidentally stole a kid
- wanted to keep it
- you made him return it
- gave u puppy dog eyes for the rest of the day
- "no I'm not giving you children rn Sirius."
- "Fine. We can have children when u push it out of a small hole."

- y'all scammed the corn dog man
- he kept bargaining and taking about how he was "in a place of power on the Island of Foraveil." And how he wanted to make a trade with America, but he wasn't having a good experience so far.
- he ended up getting all the corn dogs for free.

-carried you on his shoulders in the water
- goes in those rides that end in those funnel looks things.

- buys you stuff bc he doesn't like playing the games
- tried cotton candy for the first time
- he acted like he hated it, but as soon as you went on a ride he bought 3 more.

𝙷𝙰𝚁𝚁𝚈 𝙿𝙾𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙿𝚁𝙴𝙵𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now