They draw u

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- he spends a lot of time on it
- not good at all
- you did NOT know what it was
- "ohhh... I love horses :)"
- u made bb Harry cry

- Has Ginny and Charlie help him
- ends up decent... ish
- he used glitter for your hair and said it was an "artistic decision."

- Has his house elves do it for him.
- but then you asked for HIM to draw u and he couldn't say no.
- was not good
- but you hung it up on the fridge and he was very proud of himself

- did it with his eyes closed
- with his left hand
- while hold the marker between him pinky and ring finger
- it was....
- not good and u told him straight up

- was not good
- but he was waiting for you to say smthn
- and he was very smiley
- "it's the best drawing I've ever seen"

- Did it with Sirius
- the got paint on everywhere
- so they decided to paint u on the wall
- Remus came in and screamed and fixed it to where it looked good
- you were thankful Remus fixed it

- very good artist
- drew you in his sketchbook
- his sketchbook is beige and has sunflower stickers
- used prisma colors

- "fine 🙄"
- charcoal pencil drawing
- very good
- good shading but you can tell the overall picture had a rougher more rushed look.

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