Chapter 36

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Francy's p

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Francy's p.o.v

I nervously tapped my boot on the ground. It was Halloween and this is what I get? Nervous breakdowns in rush hour on this glorious festival.

The sky was getting dark even though it was still pretty early. People were already out and about for the festival. Kai and Ace both had plans after this for the festival but I was too nervous to even think about it. Especially since I had planned to go with Elric before well...that happened.

Kai and Ace were immersed in conversation, unable to notice my mini heart attacks every time I got to see someone who looks like Elric.. Lucy.. ugh.. I wasn't even sure who I was meeting today. Lucy or Elric.

"Sorry I'm late. I was looking for a place to park."

My breath stopped as he approached us. Damn it, he was still perfect. Even with that gloomy expression, I had seen many times before we dated.

Um..Were we really dating? Aren't I getting a bit full of myself here? Few dates do not count.

I noticed he glanced at me before turning his whole attention to Ace. Was I staring too much? Was it obvious I still like him?

"So what do you have in mind for a present?" He asked Ace.

"Nothing." Ace uncrossed his hands. "I mean this is Rehan we're talking about. In order to get him a great gift, we have to follow only two rules. One, everyone must have an individual gift aside if they want to give something as a group. So I say we just focus on finding cool individual gifts. Two, and this is more of a rule between us siblings...Rehan likes unordinary things so buying him something like a board game, cologne, a pc will just not work."

"So we are all buying something individual?" Elric asked.

"Yeah, but even better if we can find something really nice and we can all chip in together." Ace answered.

"But I would still have to buy an additional gift." Elric said.

"Well yeah but.." Ace smiled. "If the group preset is awesome then the individual gift can be a pen and he wouldn't care."

Elric sighed but Ace tapped his shoulder. "Since Lucy here doesn't know what to really get Rehan I'll go look with him in the mall and Kai and Francy , you two can go and search the rest of the shops in the city square.' Ace almost headed out but Kai pulled his hoodie back.

"Why do you get to go with Lucy and I can't?"

Ace's brow went up. "Because he's my best friend."

Kai who was a bit taller than him straightened up. "Well since you get to see him every day, I want to go with him now. I have so many things to ask him that I didn't get to at dinner. I'll also be doing your finances so I mean I need to establish a connection with Lucy."

Ace seemed revolted by the idea. "No. This won't work. Sorry."

Kai was the one flaring up now.

I subtly glanced at Elric. He sure was popular.

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