Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Francy's p.o.v

We found a convenience store and I grabbed a croissant and chocolate milk right off the shelf.

"That is not real food." He walked over, taking the chocolate milk out of my hand. "Really?"

"It's not like I have the taste buds of a five-year-old. I just have the wallet of a grounded teen."

He laughed and gave me back the chocolate milk. "I'll pay. Just pick what you want."

"You work?" I raised my brow.

"I don't have a monthly allowance so I have to work. And I get paid well. So just enjoy today on me."

"Well then." I smiled and picked up another chocolate milk. "How about since you're paying, you leave me with the food choice and blame the ridiculous extras you're about to eat, on me."

"As long as we don't buy anything with caramel. I hate it." He made a disgusted face that made me laugh.

"Okay, okay."

"So why don't you get allowance?"

"I live alone.. And I'm stopping there because you're threading around the personal information line." 

Tck. I just learned something interesting and I can't ask more. Oh well.

I picked up some things and we went to the checkout.

"Oh look at these." I grabbed a bubble blower.

"I haven't seen one in years." He leaned over me and I froze in place.

Each time he got close I felt like the air around me vanished.

"Let's take those." He said and added them to the counter.

We found a small park and sat down on each side of the wooden bench and table. There was a fountain next to us that was covered with golden leaves. Now that I see it dry and covered with the fallen leaves it feels like October.

I passed him a cold sandwich and took mine.

"What um..." I hesitated to ask. I didn't want to sound stupid. "What is the most beautiful place you've ever seen in your life?"

He took a bite out of his sandwich. I could see the tip of his nose getting red from the cold.

"I've never been somewhere nice so I don't know."

I took a bite as well, a bit embarrassed that I even asked that question.

"I can tell you that I want to go to France though." He said, taking another bite and watching around the park. "I want to go to these little villages that are hidden and no one knows about them and the people there will give you a side-eye if they hear you talking a language other than French."

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