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The doctor smiles pleasantly

"They are doing just fine, they are responding well to the medication we are giving them".

We all sigh simultaneous sighs of relief.

"Can we see them? Molly asks and we all look at the Doctor with pleading eyes.

"I'll just go check, excuse me, this will only take a moment" he walks back into the room and comes out a few seconds later.

"You may come and see them, though they are still unconscious".

"Ok" Hannah says and we rush into the room, each of us going to a different guy. Me with Troy. Molly with Matt. Hannah with Seamus.

I clasp hold if Troys hand and turn back to the doctor "do you know when they will wake up?

"I'm guessing around mid day tomorrow but he" he points at Seamus "is I worse shape so he may take a few hours longer to recover".

Hannah whispers and Molly asks "but he will be okay?

The doctor nods "yes, each of them will feel dizzy or nauseous but that's normal".

We thank the doctor and go back to waiting for the guys to wake up.

I started to think about the lady who had offered to teach her about her powers and her dad saying that he would come back after a few months to finish off Troy.

I make a plan and when night hits I wait until Hannah and Molly are asleep and lean over to Troys ear "I'll be gone for a bit, please don't try find me, I'm gonna go learn how to use my powers. It's for the best or my dad will kill you. I have to go before I coward out" I chuckle lightly and press my lips against Troys forehead run my fingers over the side of his face, taking in his face so I won't forget it.

I then turn away from the bed and walk away. Before I reach the front door if the hospital I hear a voice call out "Casey wait! And fast approaching footsteps.

I turn around "I thought you were sleep? I ask her.

Molly shakes her head and I run my hand through my hair "if our trying to get me not to go i-".

She interrupts me by hugging me. I'm shocked and then wrap my arms around her. When the hug ended I laugh lightly "What was that for?

"I'm not trying to stop you, I'm here to say Good luck and I hope to god you return safe".

I smile "I promise".

She brings up her pinky "pinky promise?

I grin and take her pinky in mine and say "yep".

She grins back and then asks "where exactly are you going?

I hesitate

"I won't tell anyone... unless I feel my are in danger"

I press my lips in a thin line, thinking. I then nod and tell her.

"Please don't tell anyone, not even Hannah" I plead.

She lifts her hands in a surrender "hey, I ain't a snitch but I'll only tell if I feel your in danger I've already said my terms and conditions".

With one last hug I wave at Molly goodbye and walk away.

"You'd better come back soon! I hear her yell and I grin to myself.

"Don't worry" I yell back "you can't get rid of me that easy!

I hear her chuckle and I start jogging towards the pack house to pack essentials.

When I get to my room I'm shocked to see Derek, Kelty and Coco there, waiting.

I pause, my hand on the doorknob, looking at them "what...?

Derek stands up "Avery told you to tell me when you wanted to leave and thank God I got a feeling that tonight you were".

I sigh and walk to my closet. I pull out a duffel bag and pack:
My toothbrush
A few changes of clothes, for all weather's
A bottle of water
A few snacks since it was gonna be a loooong walk/run
Makeup obviously
A few hair ties (just in case)

I sit down half way through "I don't know what to do".

Derek kneels in front of me "What do you mean?

I throw my hands up in frustration "my dad said that hes gonna go after Troy since he couldn't kill me".

He frowns "what's your dad got to do with this" then his eyes widen in realisation and he growls "he's the one who possessed me?

I nod but frown in confusion "he must have some supernatural powers that I dont know about?

"I don't get it, why your dad, what have you done to him?

I sigh and tell him my life story, pausing on a few parts to take deep agonising breaths to calm myself. When I had finished Derek nods and stands up, rubbing his chin in thought.

I look up at him "well...?

He looks gazes with me "unmade the right decision, your dad could bring an army, we don't know what he's planning and if he's going after Troy her going after the whole pack. You need to train and get ready. But we need to tell the pack about this?

I shake my head "in a month I'll send a letter and tell them but it's too early and with the boys hurt..." I take a breath in and sit with my head in my hands.

"I just don't know what to do!

"Your doing the right thing"

I look up at him "yes but sometimes doing the right things gets a lot of people killed".

Derek lays a hand on my shoulder "well, when you've had some time to think come to me, I'll be down stairs in the kitchen".

He leaves the room and I sit still, thinking while stroking Kelty and Coco.

"Guys what am I gonna do?

Coco whines and lays his head on my knee and I smile at him. I look at Kelty and she snorts and moves her head in a way that looked like a nod.

I nod back and take in a deep breath. I stand up and look at them both. Cocos head tilts slightly nd Kept just sits there, staring into my eyes.

"I know what to do".


I make my way downstairs with my bag, Kelty and Coco hit on my heels. I pause with my hand on the kitchen door handle. I take a deep breath and open it.

Derek turns around and I nod

"I know what I have to do"

To be continued

Hi there. What do you thinks she's gonna do?

Do you thinks she gonna:

1. leave without telling

2. Leave and tell people

3. Go and send a letter in a month

4. Go and wait until the time comes and go back

Comment the number and comment whatever else you think.

Remember to vote!

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