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As I break through the trees and catch sight of the lake my breath caught, like it did the first time I came to its presence. That was the time Kelty came in contact with me.

I take a few seconds to marvel its beauty, the light glitters off the water like a hematite stone. The water surface is occasionally disturbed by fish who come up to eat the small insects buzzing around the surface. Hannah and the others had made it here with Kelty and Coco and were now all jumping around, trying to compete on trying to catch a poor butterfly trying to fly away.

My eye wander to the trees on the opposite side of the pool, which were hanging down, their arms reaching out like they where trying to touch an unseen thing. I watch as their limps rustle with each warm breeze, as if they were swaying to natures music. I sit down on a moss covered rock and watch in fascination as the others finally get bored and decide to disturb the calm water.

The each take a running leap into the clear turquoise water, making another competition in the mind-link of who could make the biggest splash.

After a while of watching them swim and play I lay back to soak up the sun, after a half-hour of lying there with my eyes closed it suddenly got quiet, even the birds had stopped their song, it was as I nature was holding its breath.

I tense when I hear twigs about a metre away from me crack but I dont open my eyes in case I urge them attack.

I feel warm air on my legs that isn't the breeze and I open my eyes.

The wolves around me jump into action: Hannah grapping my shirt sleeve and pulls me off my rock, me fighting her - squealing - Estelle grabs my shorts and yanks them, Molly outs her muzzle on my back and pushes me towards the lake while Ellie jumps around - Excited.

I mind-link Kelty, who was sitting at the edge of the lake, watching us with interested and amused eyes 'Help!"

'No' Was the response I got back and I mutter something about being a bad guardian while she just laughs.

I was at the waters edge now and got desperate and mind-link them 'Hannah if you stop them ill let you be my maid of honor!!!!'

'I was gonna be it anyway'



'Sorry Luna, it has to be this way' Estelle giggles through the mind-link and pushes me so I teeter off-balance but I manage to keep out of the water.

I try one more attempt 'Molly, Ellie you love me r- AHHHHHHHH'

The next minute I'm under water, with lake water invading my nostril, I let out a deep breath, trying to blow the water out of my lungs but my body fights me, it wants me to breathe in. I totally forget how to swim in the moment as I blindly reach out for support but only come up with the cold darkness of the lake as I sink like a stone to its murky depths. Then my mind kicks in and I fight the water to break the surface. Once I do I find myself in the middle of the lake with the wolves worriedly pacing the edge of it and they seem to sigh with relief.

I swim with weak strokes, willing my legs to cooperate and when I finally reach the edge of the lake I spread myself out like a starfish and gulp in the fresh, clean air.

I'm glad to be alive.



His Abused MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora