Fruits Basket

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You need to interact with strangers, hurt them, get hurt by them, learn about people, and learn about yourself, too, or else you can't become capable of true empathy. - Shigure Sohma

It's easy to understand desire, because everyone has it from birth. But each person's kindness is pretty much handmade by them, so it's easy for others to misunderstand it, or assume that it's phony. - Kyoko Honda

I don't think being weak is a good thing... but I also don't think "stronger" necessarily means "better." You sometimes hear that it's survival of the fittest. But we're humans, not animals. - Yuki Sohma

It's not like I suddenly became stronger, nor did anything change. My body still trembles, but I'll keep facing my fears. What's important is... the desire to improve...which stems from weakness. - Yuki Sohma

Just as there are people who inflict pain, there are people who try to soothe that pain. If nothing else, that gives us courage. - Hatori Sohma

Things we didn't understand as children become strangely clear as we age. - Ayame Sohma

Actions brought on by jealousy are simply ugly. Don't forget that forcing your intense love on someone can burden them or hurt them.Don't forget to respect their feelings and be considerate of them. Or else they might end up hating you. - Saki Hanajima

It's not that I dislike them, I just don't expect anything from them and I don't want anything from them. - Yuki Sohma

Keep trying and struggling. Isn't that your job as the young folk? - Shigure Sohma

Season 3

If I don't act carefree, I feel like I'll explode. - Shigure Sohma

Listen up : Everyone loves you more than you think they do. - Kyo Sohma


   This is a shoujo anime. So, if anyone reading this, detests this particular genre; you're thinking, "Oh! Bullshit romance, nothing worthwhile." Well, let's say I do agree with you. Just romance is never my genre. However, this is an anime I do want you guys (specially people just started to watch anime) to watch. Because this one for me, dealt with a lot of trauma. Now, warning of child abuse, child neglect, manipulation, assault and different type of personality disorder. 

   They why do I want people to watch this? Of course, if seeing the warning throws you off and you don't want to watch it, then don't. And if you do, I'll advise to see everything. By everything, I mean all of it. First season is truly a bit of a mess. We have Tohru, the spineless heroine who without thinking starts to live with a bunch of unknown man. Crime shows start there. And the people around ain't much better. They have secrets, issues, emotional immaturity everything. Yet it's the development of each character and their backstories that kept breaking my heart. Specially, Momiji in season 2. And then, Kyo's background which reveals bit by bit and it truly starts to be gore and totally criminal. Yuki's behavior and his mindset. And most of all, the detestable villain's story. In season 3, when that arc happened, I almost threw my glasses off. It was cruel and more so, it was abhorrent. When I watched it, from the start; season 3 was broadcasting. And watching it back to back, sometimes provided to be too cruel. The arc of Hanajima Saki just threw me off. I am probably not making much sense since I am not trying to give any spoiler but just watch it. 

   The overall traumas addressed in here, topped a lot of anime. In my opinion, this is one of the animes you just do not expect to be dark.

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