Hometown Cha-cha-cha

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Life isn't so fair to all of us. Some spend their whole lives on unpaved roads, while some run at full speed only to reach the edge of a cliff. - Hong Dusik

Leave me be. I'm recharging myself. - Hong Dusik

A good best friend is worth ten boyfriends. - Pyo Mi Seon

Life isn't a mathematical equation. It doesn't have a clear answer. There's no right answer either. You're just given a problem, and it's up to you how you solve it. - Hong Dusik

Work is tough. But what's even harder is people. - Ji Seong Heon

Dr. Yoon, what may be easy for one person can be something difficult for another. - Ywa Hae Jeong

Relationships aren't a poker game where you bluff and make bets. Just be honest. Show her what kind of person you are. Let her decide how she feels about it. - Ji Seong Heon

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