Chapter 48: You are mine

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Vienna's POV

"Oh look who's back..." Hearing the familiar voice, cutting through the pin drop silence of the peaceful morning, I turned around too quickly startled by it as the juice carton that I just grabbed from the refrigerator, fell down.

"The one and only...Vienna Green" He added.

"Jesus Christ! David! You scared me" I said placing a hand over my raising and falling chest before picking up the juice carton that just fell down not even a minute ago.

"Sorry, that was not my intention" He replied with his usual smile.

"So how are you doing" I asked casually, pouring some juice into a glass.

"I'm doing good. Just a little tired though and also sleep deprived as I spent the last few days and nights looking for someone" He replied, saying the last part teasingly as I just shook my head smiling.

Typical David.

"Jokes apart. How are you" He asked before hopping on the high chair in front of the kitchen counter.

"Now I'm good" I replied with a genuine smile.

"Yeah you better be good or else I won't be good" He said as I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"Look if you aren't fine then Ryan won't be fine and then he won't let me be fine considering that I'm his best friend and please for God's love, I don't wanna be sleep deprived I request you guys to finally stop fighting like two little kids and get married already, pop out some babies so that they keep you both so busy that you won't even have any time to fight and only then I'll be able to live in peace or rather should I say sleep in peace" He explained with a hint of humour as I just gave him a fake smile.

Well...he doesn't knows that having kids is somehow a sensitive topic for me now...though I know I need to move on, I cannot always zone out into those bad memories every time someone talks about a baby.

I just need some time.

"You look a bit tensed. Is it something I should be worried about" I asked a moment later, changing the topic.

"Not exactly..." He paused.

"Actually I traced the call that Ryan got just a few minutes before you showed up" He continued after a brief moment as if thinking if he should tell me or not, as I frowned.

What call?

"I didn't get you" I said, confused.

"Just a few minutes before you showed up, Ryan got a random call, it was a man, he claimed that he had you and he asked Ryan to reach to an address he texted, quickly, all alone...if he wanted to get you back safely" He explained as frown lines increased on my already crowded forehead.

"He was bluffing" I stated, almost to myself, realising something.

It was a trap!

"Yeah, I knew that too and I told the same to Ryan but Ryan is stubborn and just...himself, when he heard that you were captured by that guy, he didn't waste another second...he was ready to leave for the place that man asked him to come to, though he is a smart guy but when it comes to protecting you, it's like he completely losses all his smartness...his ability to think straight" He replied.

"He knew that it was a death trap and that even if he found you there and got you out safely, he probably wouldn't make it back alive. But yet he just shut me up when I tried to stop him and was ready to walk into his own death trap with the hope that he'll find you there...and with the determination that he'll protect you from whatever danger you were in..." He paused as I just blinked my eyes, speechless.

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