Chapter 24: The sneak out

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Vienna's POV

I let out a tired sigh as I just returned home...wait scratch that I meant I just returned to his house, after shopping.

And yeah I went with's not like I had any choice in that matter because once he decides something it's nearly impossible to change his mind.

I just got some casual clothes and some other necessary things...nothing fancy even though Ryan insisted on buying me some really expensive and amazing looking dresses, for what? I have no idea, it's not like I'll be going to those typical fancy parties I denied.

Though I didn't even want to take anything from him but of course I had no choice in that matter too since I have no money of my own with me right now and I really did need clothes so I couldn't deny him this one time.

When I was selecting the clothes, that was the only time he spoke to me as he is still mad at me after what I said earlier about how I would prefer his bodyguards over him.

I would have laughed at him if I hadn't known that it'll only fuel his anger even further, he was really acting like a little kid...I mean what did I even say that got him so mad that he wasn't even sparing me a single look.

Did I really say something wrong?

You did say that you would prefer his bodyguards over him so it's obvious for him to be mad...but you just don't care anyways if you hurt his feelings or not, do you? my subconscious lectured me as I rolled my eyes at her.

She always does this...she always sides with him.

"Vienna why didn't you tell me that you were going shopping. I would have gone with you. Not to brag but I have much better fashion sense than my brother" I heard Scarlett's voice as she walked in and I smiled at her.

Now what do I tell her that her brother kind of forced me to go with him only and no one else but if I tell her that, I'll probably also have to tell her why he did that.

"Oh actually I wanted to go with you all and it would have been a nice girls time too and I looked for you all but you guys weren't home this morning so..." I lied but it wasn't entirely a lie as none of them were home this morning...except for Samantha but she too vanished somewhere after walking in on Ryan and me making...well you get the idea. 

"So you got stuck with my brother" Scarlett said interrupting me as I nodded my head chuckling.

"But you have to admit that he does treats you like a queen...I mean look at this, this bed is filled with shopping bags and there are more downstairs" She added with admiration in her eyes as she pointed towards the bags placed on the bed, almost covering it all.

"Downstairs" I asked as suddenly her words caught my attention.

"Yeah downstairs. Don't worry you don't have to carry them all up by yourself, Julian will do that" She replied as I frowned.

Those bags can't be mine...all my bags are here already.

"Though I did peek through those bags, they are all filled with dresses, didn't you buy anything casual" She asked.

"Oh these are all causal wear only" I replied waving my hand towards the bags placed on the bed as she glanced through them.


As far as I remember I didn't...


Of course Ryan bought them all.

Even after I clearly told him I didn't want those damn dresses.

"You went to Raina's right" Scarlett asked.

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