Chapter One

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Chapter One

Zoey Antoinette Felix


No. This can't be happening right now!

Stripping off my now ripped black maxi dress I threw clothes around until I found another dress.

Pulling on my white spaghetti strap dress that flowed down to mid thigh- I stumbled across my room to my mirror. Coating my lashes with mascara and swiping my lips with a clear lipgloss.

What was I forgetting?

"Zoey!" My brothers shouted from downstairs making me cringe. "I'm going!"

Grabbing my black pumps in one hand and my purse with the other I rushed down the stairs trying to put my shoes on at the same time.

"Oh hell no." Groaning as I made it down the stairs I glared at my three brothers and my dad. "I'm not changing." I declared raising my brow, daring them to complain.

"Princess, I will have a heart attack if I catch any guys staring at you. You don't want to kill your daddy do you?" Rolling my eyes I shook my head but stayed put.

"I'm sorry daddy. I'm not changing." Walking over to him I kissed his cheek before walking out the door. The four guys groaning but following after me.

"Here. At least put this on - for our sake Zo." Joey grumbled handing me his black leather jacket.

"Joey. I'm eighteen! I'm old enough to show off my damn shoulders!" I hissed glaring into my twins eyes. Pouting he pushed his jacket into my hands.

"Dammit Joey." I whined before slipping the jacket on. The jacket swallowed me. Ending just before my knees. I could immediately feel the boys relax as we all piled into our SUV.

"Crap momma's calling! She's going to be pissed!" Ezekiel muttered throwing his phone to dad.

"She wasn't calling me!" Daddy shouted throwing the phone back before starting the car.

"Joey you answer." Ezekiel hissed handing his phone to Joey who in return threw it to Abel.

"Give me the damn phone!" I growled snatching the phone from my terrified little brother.

"Hi momma." I smiled wincing as she began to shout through the phone.

"Momma stop. Calm down. We are on our way." I assured her looking out towards the street where Daddy was speeding through.

"Zoey don't you dare tell me to calm down! You guys are late! They're almost to Odette's and Charlie's name! I swear if you guys aren't here - you will sleep in the pack house! You hear me!" Momma growled hanging up before I could respond.

"You guys suck." Pouting I leaned back in my seat. "Thanks sis." Joey grinned wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his chest.

"Yeah whatever." Shaking my head I smiled at my brothers before plugging in my iPod escaping their boy conversations.

The Weeknd soothed my stressed body making me daze off.

Odette and Charlie were graduating kindergarten and momma swore it was like they were graduating high school the way she stressed us all.

"Z, hey wake up." Humming I opened my eyes meeting Joey's amused gaze.

Looking around I noticed everybody had piled out of the car and were already meeting up with momma.

"Oh shit!" I cursed jumping out of the car behind Joey. Together we ran through the crowd until we met up with the rest of our family.

Smiling at Natalia and Sunny I walked behind momma's seat. Giving her a kiss on the cheek before taking my seat next to Sunny.

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