Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Zoey Antoinette Felix

"Honey, are you sure you want to leave? Tonight? How about you sleep on it." Momma frowned her emerald eyes following me around as I packed a weekend bag.

"Momma, please. I want to go. As well as Sunny. We have never stayed with Abuelo. It'll be fun." I smiled zipping my bag before turning to face her.

Her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth as she glared at my black sports bag.

"I don't want you to go." She sighed rubbing her temple. Letting out a chuckle I walked over to her.

"I can tell." Rubbing her arms I kissed her cheek. Pulling my bag higher up on my shoulder.

"Joey doesn't want you to go either sweetie." She added following me as I made my way down the stairs.

That caused a sarcastic laugh to escape my lips. Thinking of my brother lip locking with my adopted sister.


"He'll forget about it. In, oh, I don't know - five minutes."

Glaring at me, she pulled me to a stop before I could walk out of the door.

"What's going on with the two of you? This isn't like you guys at all." Her voice tinged with pain, while my eyes clouded with tears.

It was true. Joey and I were inseparable. I was his rock, and he was my shelter. My home.

For goddess sakes, we shared the womb.

We had never been apart. Hardly ever argued. But with Natalia in the picture.

It threw our family out of balance. I didn't know where I stood with them anymore.

Sunny had it worse and we all knew it.

Joey had always been Sunny's protector. Her shoulder to cry on when her emotions became too much for her to hold air tight.

But his focus was now fully on Natalia. Sunny pushed away from the both of them. And it hurt to see my sister so broken.

It was a big disappointment - having my brother become the guy who forgets everyone when they get a girlfriend.

"Nothing's wrong momma. I promise." Blinking away the tears I pulled open the door. Laughing as I caught sight of all my brothers blocking my car.

"Daddy." I warned walking to Sunny's side.

Her bag was being held by Ezekiel who was standing feet wide apart in front of the passenger door.

"Hey I didn't tell them to do this." He smirked sauntering over to momma wrapping his arms around her waist.


"Please." I added poking Ezekiel's cheek. Shaking away my hand he shook his head before throwing Joey a grin.

"Joey, tell them to back off." I growled crossing my arms. Glaring at the trio I hissed in annoyance.

I was the older sister here. They needed to stop acting like I was the little one.

"You two" pointing at Ezekiel and Abel i motioned for them to scoot away.

"Move it or I'll tell Momma about the midnight incident." I threatened. Immediately their faces flushed and they rushed back into the house. Throwing a good luck and have fun over their shoulders.

"What?" Momma's eyes widened giving me a look before turning to Daddy. His eyes were bright with amusement but he zipped his lips. Letting momma know he wasn't about to say anything.

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