Age 9

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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

Momma and daddy don't love me. Rebekah loathes me. Elijah is disgusted by me. Freya ignores my existence. Kol, Davina, and Marcel moved back to New Orleans. I only have Hope left, which is ironic cause I have none. They threw away most of my clothes again. Now I only have clothes to clean stuff in, and a school uniform that I have to wash everyday with everyone's laundry. I don't wanna live anymore, it's to hard, but I can't die. What I would give to be human. So I can just close my eyes and be free.

Sincerely, Olivia

"Olivia hurry up already!" Mother shouted from the dining room.

I grabbed everyone's plates and hurried to the dining room.

"Finally, it took you long enough," Father scoffs as I place his plate in front of him.

I don't respond I just walk around the table handing out everyone's plate. I place Hopes down and turn to walk away but she grabs my hand.

"Thank you Livy, it looks delicious," she smiles. I smile weakly back at her and hold her hand for a second longer.

"Leave us," Father says shooing me away.

I hurry into the kitchen and immediately start cleaning up the mess I made from making dinner.

I put in my headphones and listen to music. This has become my life now. I wake up early, make breakfast, clean the downstairs, wake them for breakfast, clean their rooms, make lunch, call them for lunch, clean the bathrooms, make them a snack, do my online classes, make dinner, clean the kitchen, and eat an apple.

Alaric worries about me but there's nothing really he can do. They don't hit me, they grab me roughly sometimes, and shove me, but they don't hit me.

I have a few burns on my arms from cooking, but my werewolf gene heals them. Well it use to but now it doesn't matter cause I'm constantly replacing them with more.

Mother walks into the kitchen and grabs herself a bottle of wine. "Have you eaten?" She asks randomly.

I turn to her in shock. She never cares about whether I've eaten, or slept. She only ever asks if I've done my chores.

"No, I've been cleaning," I tell her continuing to scrub the counters.

"You should eat something, you've gotten really skinny," she says uncorking her wine bottle. "What happened to your arms?" She asks pointing towards the burns.

"I burn myself while cooking," I whisper holding my burnt wrist.

She gently grabs my wrist and looks it over. She sighs before grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink.

She picks me up and sits me down on the counter. She rubs some cream on my wrists before bandaging them, she kisses them, before putting me back on the ground.

"Be careful, now grab something to eat and head to bed," she says before kissing me on the head and leaving the kitchen.

I stand there in shock for a second. Why did she suddenly care?

I make myself a sandwich before heading to bed. I climb into the small closet attached the kitchen and curl up ready for sleep.

I only get five minutes of sleep before I'm woken up.

"Livy," Hope whispers sitting down on my palette of blankets with me.

"Yes?" I question sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"I want to leave, we need to leave. You can't keep living like this. You sleep in a cupboard on a pile of blankets, it's not fair," she says tears streaming down her face.

"Mom was finally nice to me," I whisper.

"She should have been nice to you from the beginning, it's been nine years," she cries.

"Ok, we can runaway, but we need a plan," I tell her.

She smiles at me and nods, for the rest of the night we talk about how we are going to escape.

Hope and I are gonna leave this place, and I'm gonna have a family that deserves me.

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