Criminally A Mikaelson~6

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As I sat on the plane, I just decided too sketch

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As I sat on the plane, I just decided too sketch. One of the things I got from Niklaus Mikaelson beside bruises and ptsd, was my love of art.

It's something Hope and I both love and enjoy doing. Ever since we started going too college and picking career paths we stopped hanging out as much, so we made a plan. Every Sunday we order milkshakes and pancakes from Steak 'n Shake, find a random painting prompt, paint, watch rom coms, have burgers and chili cheese fries for dinner, and eat ice cream.

We looked down at what I was drawing I smiled. It was a picture of the day Hope and I ran away. Davina, Josie, Lizzie, Hope, and I doing the spell too hide us.

"What ya doing Princess?" Derek asks coming too sit beside me.

"Just sketching, taking my mind off things," I smile with a small shrug. I really do love when he calls me Princess.

"How ya feeling? I mean being held at gun point is pretty scary," he says and that's when I notice the rest of the team has made their way too listen too our conversation.

"I'm fine, it's not the first time someone threatened too kill me and it won't be the last," I shrug continuing too sketch and add shading.

"Someone's held you at gun point before?" JJ asks sitting down.

"No. When I was baby I was kidnapped with my sister, parents didn't file us as missing cause they knew who took us and where they us. When I was eight these guys attacked my sister and I after breaking into our house, and my father has threatened too kill me on several occasions," I tell them not looking up from my sketch.

"Wow kid, that's a lot," Rossi says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Did your family ever report any of this too the police?" Emily asks sitting down.

"Nope. They don't involve police in anything," I tell her flipped my sketch pad and starting too draw again.

"You're good at drawing," Reid comments changing the subject, which I appreciate.

"Thanks, I practice with my sister all the time," I smile finally looking up at them.

"We should all go out for dinner tonight," JJ says with a smile.

We all agree and Emily starts texting Penelope and getting her in on the plans. I text Hope letting her know too be ready when I get home.

After awhile we all separate and go too sleep. I fall asleep on Dereks shoulder not even caring from how physically exhausted I am, Derek leans his head on mine and the last this i hear before I fall asleep is....

"Good night Princess,"

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