Chapter 08 | A Push Forward

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CLARA WOULD RATHER feel secure than be surrounded by mysteries. And Flynn Valor had become one of them.

His presence was now gone without a trace. Not a single eye or soul turned their head to him. It was like he was a ghost, a specter no one had noticed.

"This will be the last time you'll have the opportunity to escape again," the prince said, his face hard with displeasure. "I hope your little escapade satisfied your wanderlust, at least for a little while."


"The way you keep on leaving the castle? What's wrong with you? You've been acting strange. You should've been resting, focusing on your recovery." Emir's voice held a lot more coldness than it had the first time she met him. "You have to stop doing that when I'm not around to look after you."

"Excuse me, Prince Emir," Clara said, her tone rising in irritation. She yanked her arm off his grip. He attempted to wrap his fingers around her wrist once more, but she shook him off. His eyes were wide and dark, and his cheeks were white from the cold air. "I just want a breath of fresh air. Why are you so worked up keeping me locked in my room? What could have possibly gone wrong?"

"Anything could have possibly gone wrong. Don't make things difficult for me, Anneliese."

"I haven't been having the easiest time either."

"I told you there were rules. Never step a foot outside where you're not safe, but you haven't listened. Since when did you learn to disobey me? You always do what I say when you know it could please me."

"Disobeyed you?" Clara laughed, but inside she felt dizzy and sick. "What are you, my lover or my master?"

Suddenly, everyone who managed to hear their heated argument drew in a sharp gasp. Even the cold and rude prince lost his composure. A fleeting look of dismay rocked his controlled facade, but it was only for a flash second. His face went back to being stone-cold again.

Protection. Clara grew up hating that word.

"So now you're denying your feelings for me just to spite me," he said, dropping his voice. "Do you know what happens when you stray from here? The danger you put yourself in just because you're bored?"

Clara narrowed her eyes. "I can think for myself, thank you."

"You have woken up from a year-long sleep and this is what you think of doing—sneaking off? Since when have you and Flynn been so close? You couldn't even stand his presence. And there are dangers you can't possibly fathom."

A shocked sound escaped Clara's lips. She pointed a finger at Emir as if he had said something strange and out of ordinary. "Y-You said... one year?" Clara's heart began to pound. Something wrong happened with this girl the reason they were so overprotective of her.

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