Chapter 12 | Two Moons

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THE SUN had kissed the horizon and the sky was tinged with a scarlet pigment

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THE SUN had kissed the horizon and the sky was tinged with a scarlet pigment. It went down and down until a soft glowing light brushed the atmosphere.

Twilight was a foreshadowing of the inevitable rising of the sun. And it only reminded Clara of the danger that would chase her even in a completely different identity.

"The portals from the north, east, and west had all been checked. No malice was detected," Maxwell informed first thing he arrived.

Prince Emir, Holly, Maxwell, and Clara were gathered in the academy's open grass field. Even Willow was summoned from the Groven House. And the growing tension was thick.

"And the south?" Emir enquired, a grim expression manifested on his face.

"It hasn't been opened since this morning, but I still checked. And I'm positive there's no trace of energy from a suspicious entity," said Maxwell, his stance guarded. He was stiff and very unlike the loud and fluid-as-a-water version of himself.

Emir turned around, ever so slowly, taking away Clara's clear vision of his broad back. The prince tucked both thumbs in his pants pocket.

"You said it came from the mirror," said Emir, the crease on his forehead deepening.

Since her lips were sewn shut from the day's whirlwind of events, Clara nodded her head twice.

"And what happened next? How did you ward the shadow off?"

On instinct, Holly and Clara looked at each other. There was some sort of telepathic understanding between them. They knew what happened with the shadow and Clara knew Holly had a lot of questions eating her mind. It was obvious how she badly needed answers.

"I was with the princess, Prince Emir. I defeated it," Holly said with a straight face and an even voice. Way to go to lie in front of a prince.

"Her life was at stake. You might have saved her, but it will not change the fact that she's in danger under your watch. The princess' safety is in your hands especially if Prince Emir isn't around," said Maxwell and Holly's cheeks tinted with red in anger.

"She's unharmed. No scratches or injuries. Can't you see?" Holly swished her hand to point at Clara, her voice rising a pitch higher which Maxwell didn't find amusing.

As if a dam burst open, Maxwell snapped the last end of his temper Clara once thought was limitless. "I'm merely stating the fact, and someone has to say it."

"You and your mouth, Sir Beaumont."

Emir cleared his throat and the two flinched, suddenly aware that they were not alone.

"Maxwell, report to the higher court of Zephyrus. Inform them of what happened and assure them that the princess is safe," he said, all the while as he looked directly into her eyes. "And I am certain news will fly to all of Eirinia's court. Blaire stands at the center of the whole empire. Of course, other kingdoms will be of concern as well if some unidentified entity pops up from nowhere," the prince continued. "We are still not sure that it's only the princess they want. And if investigations prove otherwise, then every student here is at risk."

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