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Xenari had woken up early that morning to prepare herself for yet another interview with a big talk show titled The Black Room ran by black people who spoke on black situations and successes. Approximately 5 years since her release from MDC Brooklyn, at just 25 years of age, Xenari had managed to not only open a second nail salon but also buy property and turn it into a homeless shelter where families could sleep, feel peace, and be safe from the horrible world. Her goal was to be the change the world needed so she ran food drives and fundraisers, and whatever else that brought in money and the money that was made went to all the families. In total, she had helped over 1000 families get back on their feet and she made no plans to stop there.

Like usual, despite the fact that she had gone on many interviews and talked to many show host, she felt her heart began to race as she ran around the room looking for her keys. She paused in front of her mirror and had went over the details of her outfit tilting her head to the side as she took in her appearance — her outfit consisted of a white bodycon jumpsuit, orange knee high boots, Prada crème shades, and lastly an orange bag; a simple outfit indeed, but she knew she'd be the one to stand out if she was in a crowd. Her outfit matched the weather which was a high of 67 and her fur coat was the icing on the cake.

Finding the keys to her brand new 2021 matte white Tesla model 3, she left the one bedroom condo and retreated to the lobby greeting the man who worked the desk. Her heels clicked against the floors as she walked to her car and pushed the handle in so she could open the doors. She started the car and press play on her music letting BMO by Ari Lennox fill her speakers as she drove off.

She was greeted warmly when she arrived and escorted to the area where the show would be held. She fiddled with her fingers as she sat in the chair staring directly at the camera in front of her. She took in the professional set up of the show room as she awaited the show host to return. She was told that she had arrived earlier than expected so she had ten minutes to herself— ten minutes she took to call Kendrick, her boyfriend of four years.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐔𝐏 (𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟐)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu