Chapter 9

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Early update




She got out of her car and began walking towards the restaurant, nervously.

She walked into the restaurant, which was nicely decorated, calm and empty and she had a look around. Everything was beautiful. She heard the door shut.

As a result, Marwah's heart rate increased, causing her to spin around. She realized she'd made a mistake by coming here.

Noah approached her, while she was lost in thought. She sensed a presence behind her. She instantly turned around and drew a safe gap between them. Noah was expressing a variety of emotions when he looked at her.

"Noah, why are you looking at me like that?, it's-um..." Marwah broke the silence.
Noah cut her off before she could finish her sentence, "don't you see my feelings for you?" he said as he leaned in closer. Marwah took a step back. "Can we have a seat and talk?"

Noah nodded his head after a few seconds of staring at her. As they walked, she noticed something else: no one was here except the waitress, Noah who swiftly grabbed a chair for her. She takes a look at him and Then took a seat.

The waitress brought almost everything noah ordered on the table. Marwah turned to stare at Noah after the waitress left.

"first, why is there no one here and second, why did you order so much food, it's a waste" Marwah added.

He gave her a gentle smile and said "I made a reservation at this restaurant for just the two of us. We can get to know each other better. Second it's fine; I don't mind if it's a waste of food; so let us enjoy our time together" He takes a look at her

"Why would you want to reserve the entire restaurant? Noah, wasting food is never a good idea; why don't we donate it to the poor."

Noah thought to himself as he stared at her intently. He'd gone out with every female, but no one had ever thought like she did. She is a unique individual. One-of-a-kind "Noah, can you now please begin working on the project, it's due next week Monday" Marwah said as he emerged from his thoughts.

"you just came here first eat food then I will think about it" marwah nodded, "eat" he said she look down and her eyes landed on the pasta. A smile came to her lips but she control her self.

She slowly pick her fork and ate a bit of the pasta.
"How is it?" He question.

She nods smiling. Seeing her smile made his heart calm.

"So...What is your favorite color?" He inquire eating a few French fries.

None of your business is what she wanted to say. "Yellow and white." She replied he nods.

"Mine is black and blue." 'No one ask' Marwah thought.

She stares at him and notices his long lashes and lips. 'No, I just checked him out, ya rabb,' she mentally scolded herself.

While he look up from his phone.

marwah put her fork down, look at Noah, "can you stop staring at me, and eat your food. It's really awkward, by the way I need to leave in 5 minutes" marwah put her hand on the table.

Noah reached out and placed his hand on top of hers. Marwah quickly drew her hand back and locked her gaze on Noah. Marwah stood up and asked, "What do you think you're doing?" Noah rose from his seat "I simply touched your hand, so there's no harm. And I'd like to speak with you, so please wait."

It's you always you. ( Rewriting) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ