Chapter 33

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She entered the living area while keeping her eyes on the ground. "Oh, there she is" Salma stated approaching Marwah and observing her from a distance. Salma held her arm and moved closer while everyone's eyes were on her. She heard her mother say, "Marwah dear greet them."

Marwah nods and slowly raises her head to greet them. She froze in position, though, when her eye came into contact with a familiar face.

She steps back and switches her gaze back and forth between her mother, him, and his father.

At her response, everyone laughs. She whispered his name, "Noah?" All the while, he was looking at her. At her, he nods slightly. Layla pulls Marwah close to her. She questions her mom. "Mom, what's going on?" not believing what had happened.

"Noah and his dad logan are here for your hand in marriage! Without asking you I already said yes! Tell me this is what you wanted!?" Marwah looks away from her mom to logan he nods
Gently smiling at her. She then looks at Noah he looked the happiest man at the moment.

"Wait --Wait no is this real?" Everyone just laughed again. Layal hugged her and tapped her back.


"Thank you—thank you for meeting up with me!" Logan said looking at Layal who is sitting in front of him.

Layla pondered her words, actions, and what she was doing and how it would affect her kid. She was unable to sleep after hearing her cries. Despite having promised to do so to Marwah, she hadn't contacted Abbas' family yet.

This is not what her daughter wanted. She thought about it for hours.

And finally came with Decision of calling Logan and asked him to meet her in a Coffee shop.

"I'm here for the sake of my daughter. Only for her.! I am willing to give a chance to Noah. I had made up my mind to marry her off to Abbas, he's the best for her. But my daughter is not happy. I know her. She's been in love with that stupid son of yours for a long time. Ever since we moved here, she has not even looked or liked anyone else but him.

But this does not mean I forgive you. No, I do not forgive you. I cannot forget how you ruined our lives that day." Logan was looking down and just listening to her.

"But this is not about me.!" she paused, looking away. "Ask your son to meet me regarding Their marriage." Logan face lights up and looks up immediately nodding.

"I -I will be coming with him today. I get it. thank you. Thank you for thinking this though, it's no one's fault but mine. Don't—don't forgive me." Just then his phone started ringing.

Layal stood up from her chair not wanting to listen to him anymore.

"I will inform Noah about your decision.!" She nods just walking away.

Flashback ends.

The love of my life is back in my life. Ever Since we talked, and she finally confessed about her feeling. I'm at peace, I feel calm.

I need to get my mother in law's approval. I want her blessings for our marriage. I had been thinking while laying on my bed for hours.

My feelings are mixed, I'm happy but scared at the same time.

As much as I say she's mine. But she isn't until she's, my wife.

Right now, I'm in the office to sign some important papers and to check how's our project is goingon. After I was finally done, I exited the building.

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