Chapter 17

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Bella came back and I scolded her.
"What the hell were you thinking!" I shouted.
"Um, what the hell's wrong with you? Just curious?" said Jessica.

"I thought that I saw something" said Bella.
"You... you're insane, actually, or suicidal" said Jessica. "That homeboy could have been a psycho. I was about to end up in an FBI interview room like some lame TV show"

"God, that was such a rush" said Bella.
"Oh bloody hell, so you're an adrenaline junkie now?" I said. "Next time, go bungee jumping or something! You don't get on the back of some random guy's motorcycle!"

I was mad, really mad... I was about to explode.
"You know what, I'm done with this for now. I'm going home" I said and left the girls.


I came back home and Charlie saw me.
"Hey, you're back early. Where's Bella?" he asked.
"We had a disagreement. So I left, she's still with Jessica" I said and went to my room.

"Emma, what happened?" he asked.
"I don't want to talk about it. I just need to be alone for now" I said and he let me go.
I closed my door and sat on my bed. I looked at the scar that Jasper left and I grabbed my phone. I hadn't tried calling his number since he left, but I was desperate to talk to anyone...

I called his number, but it went straight to voicemail.
"Hey, Jasper. It's me... obviously" I said and began to cry. "I miss you, so much. I feel like I'm going crazy. I can't do this, Jazz. I don't know how long I can hold on anymore. Bella is going crazy, she's an adrenaline junkie now. And I... I feel so alone... Please... Jasper... come home..."

I hung up and let the tears fall, I cried my heart out. I snuggled in Jasper's sweater, it still smelled a little bit like him...
"Oh Jasper, please come back" I cried.


"Emma?" a familiar voice woke me up.
"Go away Bella" I said and turned away from her.
"I'm sorry" she said. "You're right to be angry at me. I know this isn't easy for you either. I know I haven't been there for you like you have been here for me. I should've been a better sister. I'm really sorry, Emma. I'm going to Jacob's tomorrow, I found 2 motorcycles that we could repair"

"Motorcycles, really?" I said.
"Yeah, I thought about what you said. And this way I'm not alone and you can keep an eye on me if you want" she said and I sighed.
"Fine, now get out of my room and let me sleep" I said and she slowly left.

The next morning we drove to Jacob's place. I had my backpack with my sketchbook and pencils with me.
I was still mad at Bella, but she was still like a sister to me. So I wasn't going to let her do anything too reckless...

"Bella! Emma!" said Jacob and he ran to us. He hugged Bella and lifted her up. "Where the hell have you been, loca's?"
"I, uh, brought you something" said Bella.

I looked around me, I could feel a weird sensation all around me... like something was out there... it wasn't like the cold I felt around vampires... this feeling was warm, but also felt dangerous...

"It's a little crazy" said Bella and my focus went back to her.
She showed the broken bikes to Jacob.
"Wow. Scrap metal" he said and I chuckled. "You shouldn't have"

"I saved it from the junkyard" said Bella. "I think they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth. But then I thought that if I had a mechanic friend to help me out, then..."
"Ah, me" said Jacob. "Being the mechanic-type friend?"

"That's right" said Bella.
"Since when are you into motorcycles?" asked Jacob.
"Since today I think" I sighed.

"I get it if you think that this is really stupid and reckless" said Bella.
"Yeah, I mean it's completely stupid and reckless" said Jacob. "When do we start?"
'Oh boy, he fell for the Bella charm'

"Um, now" said Bella and she was happy. "Please"
"All right" said Jacob and he lifted the bikes easily.
'Hang on...'

"Jake, you're, like, buff. How did that happen? You're, like, 16. I don't get it" asked Bella.
Jacob laughed. "Age is just a number, baby" he said. "What are you, like, 40 now?"
"Feels like that sometimes" said Bella and she followed Jacob to the garage.
I stayed behind looking for where that feeling came from...

'Okay, calm down. Close your eyes and focus, Emma'
I closed my eyes and focussed on the warm feeling. I found it and opened my eyes. And when I looked at the forest, I saw a huge wolf looking at me...

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me" I whispered.
The wolf turned around and ran away.
"Emma? Are you coming?" shouted Bella and I looked at her, she looked surprised...

"Yeah" I said and ran to her, but she was still staring at me. "What's wrong?"
"Your eyes" she said.
"What about them?" I asked.

"Emma, they were glowing" she said and I froze...
'Jasper told me when I faced Victoria my eyes glowed, when I fried her brain... does this mean...'
"Oh bloody hell" I whispered.


Jacob began to work on the first bike, but Bella turned off the music.
"Hey!" I shouted.
"That song's good. You don't like it?" asked Jacob.

"Um, I don't really like... music anymore, kind of" she said.
"Okay. No more music" said Jacob.
"And this is why I always bring my headset" I said and took out my headset out of my backpack. I put on some Western music, that Jasper had downloaded for me.

I began drawing the wolf I saw in the forest, I wasn't thinking about anything when I was drawing, it just flew out of me...

I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Jacob. I looked up and saw 2 strangers.
But one of them began to feel like the wolf I saw... he wasn't warm like the wolf, but he was getting there...

"Guys, this is Bella and this is Emma" said Jacob. "Bella, Emma. That's Quil and Embry"
"I'm Quil Ateara" said the smaller one of the two, but we stayed silent. "So the bike-building story's true"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I taught him everything he knows" said Bella.
"What about the part where you're his girlfriend?" asked Quil making me snort.
"Uh, we're friends, you know. Emma stop laughing" said Bella.

"Ooh, burn" said Embry, he was the one that began to feel like the wolf...
"Actually, remember I said she's a girl and a friend" said Jacob.
"Embry, do you remember him making that distinction?" asked Quil.

"Nope" said Embry.
"So you guys have girlfriends" I said. "Good for you"
Jacob began to laugh. "Yeah, right. Quil's actually taking his cousin to prom"
"Yeah, that's still a riot" said Quil. "You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny"

They began to playfully fight, I closed my sketchbook before they could damage my work.
"I got five bucks on Quil" said Embry.
"You're on" said Bella and I rolled my eyes.


Weeks went by, and Bella was getting better. She began to smile more and more...
But I was beginning to smile less and less... I was certain of it, I was going crazy.
One night I woke up with drawings of wolves all around me... One night I even drew some kind of tattoo.
I was going insane, but I couldn't talk to Bella about it, not when she was finally getting better.
I was all alone, I had no one to talk to...

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