Chapter 30

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-Emma POV-

We were preparing every day for the battle that was coming.
And every day I got better in fighting, even Jasper was proud of me.
I had heard him telling his past to Bella and how he met Alice.
I was glad he felt comfortable to tell his story to others, that he had finally confidence in his control.

Bella and Edward were going to hide during the battle. But apparently Bella's scent was so strong, that Jacob's stink would have to cover it to bring her to a hiding spot.
"You're not fighting?" asked Jacob when we met on the place where the battle would take place. "What, did you pull a muscle or something?"

"He's doing it for me, okay?" said Bella.
"Whatever" said Jacob, obviously not happy. "Just tell me the plan"
"This field will give us an advantage in battle" said Jasper. "We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent, but it needs to end here"

"Edward and I are going to a campsite. Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up on our scents" said Bella.
"Your stench, however, is revolting" said Edward.
"Dude, you really don't wanna start comparing stinks" said Jacob, making me snort.

"What he means is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me" explained Bella.
"Done" said Jacob without thinking.
"This is not a good idea" said Edward.

"Oh get over yourself" I said.
"They won't want to get anywhere near his... odour" said Jasper.
"Okay, let's just try it" said Bella and walked to Jacob, who lifted her up.

"Eau de wolf coming up" said Jacob.
"Run" said Edward and I smiled at Jacob.

Jasper went to see if he could smell Bella.
"You still don't like me, do you?" asked Edward and I made my eyes glow, and I sent him flying into a rock.

"I've been waiting to do that for ages now" I said and threw him against a rock again. "That's for leaving my sister almost freeze to death in the middle of a forest, you jackass"
My eyes stopped glowing and Jasper came back.

"Edward, what did you do?" asked Jasper and touched my back.
"Getting my ass kicked and probably getting what I deserved" said Edward and I rolled my eyes.
"You're lucky Bella loves you, otherwise I would've totally screamed your head off" I said.

"You're right. Jasper?" sighed Edward.
"All I picked up was wolf stench" said Jasper. "No Bella. This will work"
"Great" said Edward.

2 nights before the battle, the Cullens went hunting to power up for the battle.
I stayed in our home while Edward stayed with Bella in the Cullen's house.
"I'll be back soon" said Jasper before he left.

"Take your time. You'll all need to be strong enough" I said and he sighed.
"I don't want to leave you alone for too long" he said and I smiled.
"Don't worry, I'll stay up until you're back" I said and he kissed me softly.

He looked at my wrist where I was still wearing the bracelet he gave me for my 18th birthday.
"I won't stay out too long" he whispered and left.

I put on some music and began to sing while I was drawing the forest behind our house.
And at 3 AM Jasper came back home.
He hugged me from behind and I turned around to see his golden eyes.

"Welcome home" I whispered and he smiled.
"I'm home" he whispered back before kissing me.
He lifted me up and carried me to our bedroom, he began taking off my sweater and I took off his shirt.

He looked at me with loving eyes and he smiled.
"I love you, Emma Marshall" he whispered.
"I love you too, Jasper Whitlock" I whispered back.


The next night we spent at the Cullen's house.
"You know, you don't have to fight with us tomorrow" said Rosalie and I sighed.
"We've been over this. I'm fighting too. I kicked all of your assess. So have a little faith in me, okay?" I said and she smiled.

"We have faith in you, Emma" she said and she looked at my shoulder. "Is that a..."
I covered it up and blushed.
She laughed and I hit her playfully.

"What's so funny here ladies?" asked Emmett and I saw Jasper, so I covered Rosalie's mouth with my hand.
"Nothing, nothing you need to know, gorilla" I said and Jasper laughed.


We went to the forest where we waited for the newborn army.
"They're coming, fast" I said and Jasper quickly squeezed my hand.
"I won't get far from you" he said and I smiled.

"I'll be fine, Jazz" I said and let go of his hand.
The newborns arrived, all red eyes...
My eyes began to glow and I felt death coming...

We ran to each other and I began ripping one vampire apart at a time.
Sometimes even handing one over to one of the Cullens. And soon the wolves made an appearance, so I handed one vampire after the other to the wolves while they ripped them apart.

I saw Jasper trying to be everywhere at once.
'Idiot...' I thought, he was getting bit all the time because he wasn't careful enough.
A vampire ran after me and Jasper ripped his head off.
"Be careful, Emma!" Jasper scolded me.

"Look out, Jazz!" I shouted and send a vampire flying.
One vampire managed to bit me, but Sam pulled it off me quickly.
"Thanks, Sam" I said.

My wound began to heal quickly.
I sensed Victoria, but she was going away from the fight.
"Victoria is going away!" I shouted and a vampire pushed me to the ground, but I sent her flying off me straight into Leah's mouth.

We were winning, my wound was completely healed.
Jasper and I worked together, I held the vampire down and he smashed their heads off.

"You're hurt" he said when he saw the blood on my shirt.
"It's already healed, stop worrying" I said and ripped another vampire apart. "You've been bitten more than me, so you don't get to talk" I smirked and he smiled.

When all the vampires were gone, we collected the bodies and set them on fire.
There was one left, but she hadn't tried to hurt us. Her name was Bree.
"Well, wasn't this lovely?" I said and looked at Jasper.

"Don't get used to it, darling" he said and kissed my cheek. "You did great"
"Yeah, Emma. You made it too easy for us" said Emmett.
"Stop complaining, gorilla" I said and he laughed.

Lewis ran to Alice, she was having a vision...
"The Volturi are coming" she said.

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