Chapter 9: Unblock

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By Tuesday Leena managed to coax in many other students to join our show. Mashika created a chat group and forwarded us the list of team members. Now we are a team of 30, and out of which 25 will be modeling. Rest five of us are going to work behind the scenes and help in organizing the show. Though some like Mashika, Julie and Areum are taking the double load.

I, of course, chose to stay away from stage, and as directed by Mashika took the responsibility of boys' clothes and makeup. I asked Areum to assist me and she agreed. I really liked her street style which made me confident that she wouldn't disappoint me.

Jeffrey with Mashika, Julie and some guys is going to work on stage decoration and lighting. Sandra, along with Jane and Arthur - the new recruits in our team- took responsibility for girls' outfits. These three, like me and Jeffrey, aren't going to model. It made sense since they have to work on 16 girls walking the ramp, almost double of nine guys that I have with me and Areum.

I think Mashika wanted to work on girls' outfits, but she realized it would be difficult to juggle with three jobs, so she gave it to Sandra. Sandra is her friend which weighed in letting her pass the responsibility. But I have a feeling Mashika is still going to meddle.

"Hey guys," I awkwardly greet the nine boys sitting in front of me, "hope you guys are as excited as me about Valden Fashion Buzz." By the deadpan look on their faces I conclude they are not, well maybe except Trent, but he is busy trying to catch a glimpse of Mashika to pay attention to me.

Today Jeffrey called us all for a meeting at Art theater after college hours. He wanted to introduce new members and get us all acquainted. Now that it's done we grouped ourselves according to our respective tasks, which left me alone to deal with the boys. Areum is with Mashika and other girls at the stage for their discussion.

"If any of you still don't know our show is going to be space-themed," I announce and hear no response. "Okay..."

The three new guys at the corner are talking among themselves, totally uninterested in what I'm saying. Zaid and Jaxon are still sulky, looking like they'd rather be in the pit of hell than here. Only Ryan and Logan seem attentive, in fact Logan even gives me an encouraging smile. Despite his scary persona, I think he's sweet.

Then there is Adrien, opposite of sweet. Since the moment he stepped inside the theater I am too aware of his presence. I feel his dark eyes burning into me even though I avoid looking at him. He's seated at the center, next to Logan. He hasn't said anything to me yet, but his piercing gaze is making me nervous. He's probably enjoying my discomfort at addressing the uninterested crowd.

When I told Jenny that Adrien was also part of our event, she almost spewed out her cold drink. Of course she wasn't happy about him hijacking the one thing I was genuinely excited to be a part of. She cursed him and also encouraged me to not give up because of him. Not that I am going to. But I also know lot of trouble awaits me working with him.  

"So I am planning to put you guys into groups of three to make shopping-"

Loud cackles of the three guys at the corner interrupt me. I glare at them, but they are too engrossed in themselves to even look at me.

"Shut up!" Logan yells at them and the hush falls over. The boys look scared of him and I understand. They are freshmen and no match for him. Even others sit up straight. He then turns back to me. "Harper, continue."

I nod and clear my throat. "As I was saying I am planning to put you guys into groups of three to make shopping easier. It'll be convenient if you all can clear your schedule on weekends." I pause for anyone to object.

One of the boys who was laughing is about to say something but Logan beats him to it. "Consider it done," he says, shutting the freshman down. 

I see Adrien rolling his eyes.

"Um, okay," I mumble, ignoring the awkwardness. "Now that's sorted. I want to discuss about what you guys like to wear, what you are comfortable with and what you are willing to try. Also keep in mind our theme is outer space so there will be lots of flashy outfits and probably even paints. Sandra and I went through different kind of looks we want on you guys, but nothing is final and your inputs will be valuable." I smile.

"I don't want to wear shorts. My legs are skinny," Trent says. "If I can, I'll play basketball in track pants."

"I think chinos or slim fit jeans will work for you. To match the theme we can pick them white or gray, they'll also give good shape to your legs," I suggest.

Trent shrugs. "Do whatever, just make me look good."

"I'm sort of allergic to latex. So I don't know if you can put body paint on me," another freshman, Jason, says. Zaid and Jaxon chuckle.

"No protection for him then," Zaid quips. Logan glares at him and he shuts up with a shrug.

"We'll use water-based body paints and if that gives you allergy too then we can skip over it," I assure him.

Others too share their concerns, likes and dislikes. Jaxon doesn't want to go shirtless. Max wants to try bootcut jeans. Ryan sees the show as opportunity to experiment with his look so he's open to everything, except shaving off his beard. Zaid and Logan ask for smoking breaks during practices if they extend beyond couple of hours. After bargaining I give them one break per practice.

Finally Trent asks the question that is most likely on everyone's mind. "Will we get to keep the clothes?"

"I don't think so. You guys aren't paying for them, money is coming from the budget that faculty allocated us, so they are going to keep clothes for future fests or shows," I answer.

"But they will be of our size." Trent frowns at the thought of losing free clothes. I think they all do.

"Some of them can be tailored for future use," I tell him."I have no say in this. I'm just here to dress you guys."

Aside from Adrien everyone has spoken their minds. To be honest I want to keep it that way. Him just sitting there quietly and watching me interact with others is already making me jittery. I expect some insults to fly out of his mouth any moment and degrade me. But it hasn't happened yet.

However, as their stylist it's better to get his inputs. Also I don't want to deal with his tantrums later.

"Adrien." I finally meet his eyes after trying to ignore him throughout the meeting. He raises his brows at being addressed by me. "Is there anything you want to add?"

"No, I don't-" he pauses and I see his eyes glint with mischief, putting me on alert. "Actually, there is something I want to suggest. I think you should model." My eyes narrow at him, waiting for the punch line. "You can dress up as a planet, like mars or earth. You're the only one who is round enough for the role." He smirks.

This jerk.

I see some of the guys about to laugh but they quickly cover it with coughs as Logan glares at them. This is what Adrien does best, ridiculing me in front of others. It's impossible to have normal engagement with him.

"I thought you were going to stop Augustine." Logan shakes his head at him.

"No, I won't be modeling," I grit out, not entertaining his other remark. "Now if that's all then we can dismiss the meeting. I'll make the schedule and text the guys who will be coming with Areum and me to the market this weekend-"

"Will I be getting your texts Peppa?" Adrien asks, amused.

I clench my jaw before speaking. "Yes, you will." I'll unblock you asshole.

"Now you're all free from my side. Meet Jeffrey or Mashika before leaving," I finish and walk away from them.

I take my phone out, open the blacklist and begrudgingly unblock Adrien. I have to be able to reach him during this month long preparation for the show.

A minute later my phone chimes with incoming message. I open it and see it's from the devil himself.

"It's been so long Peppa. Glad to be back."

I glare at his back as he is leaving the theater with others.


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