Chapter 24: Meet-Cute

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One Year Ago-

I step inside the lecture hall, more than ready to start my first day of college. Even though Valden University wasn't my first choice, it had surely managed to score a spot in the top five.

When I broke the news to my parents that I got accepted here, they were ecstatic. And when the time came to drop me off at dorm, lots of tears, hugs and denial that I had grown so much accompanied their goodbyes. I love my folks, and will obviously miss living with them. But it was time to open my wings and experience the real world.

I worked hard in high school to get here, and no way am I going to let these four years go to waste. I might be a shy person, but I won't shy away from everything college-life has to offer. I'll learn, meet different people, make new friends and experience new adventures.   

I am ready for it all! 

With a small smile on my face I ascend the stairs to the rows of long U-shaped desks and benches. I gaze at my new classmates. No doubt, people here are lot more vibrant and diverse compared to my high school. I like it.

As I take one of the seats at the corner of middle row, my eyes clash with the dark ones.

It's a boy, a very attractive boy if I must say. He is sitting on the opposite row with other guys, but we have a clear view of each other. Chiseled jaw, straight nose and bow-shaped lips; God took his sweet time crafting him. His raven hair is tousled, giving him a rugged look. 

He's sitting, but from his frame I can already tell he's tall. I bet under that t-shirt and jeans, there is a muscular body that trains everyday at gym.

My cheeks flame when I realize he's checking me out, just as I am doing to him. I have picked out a good outfit for my first day of college, but under his gaze I feel conscious. Though I can't bring myself to look away. Somethings draws me to him.

Although this guy is really handsome, I have seen good looking guys before too. Just a quick glance to appreciate their appeal was all I allowed myself before continuing on my way. But with him... I am enamored.

"Hey! Can I sit next to you?" Someone asks, making my eyes tear away from him.

I turn my head to other side and see a tall skinny girl smiling widely at me.

"You don't have to ask," I say, her contagious smile making me beam too. I can't be mad at her for distracting me from the beautiful stranger. She seems friendly. 

"I like to sit near windows," she tells me, settling down on the seat, "just wanted to make sure you weren't saving it for your friends or something."

"I don't know anybody here yet," I inform her.

"Same." She grins. "How about we change that? I am Jenny."

"Harper." I grin too. Just like that I found a new friend.

We talk about our experience of first day at college, our hometowns and schools, and some other random stuff. My first impression of Jenny is perky and carefree.

I can't shake off the feeling of being watched as I chat with her. Unconsciously my gaze drift back to the boy, and sure enough he has his dark eyes on me. My stomach flutters and I feel giddy. I can't say I don't like having his attention, after all, he has mine too. In fact, I like it too much.

Soon our professor arrives and the class starts. Mrs. Campbell takes it easy on our first day and gives us overview of the first semester's syllabus. She also asks us to introduce ourselves. Throughout the lecture I find myself stealing glances of the boy, and his eyes are right there to meet mine with their piercing intensity.

My ears perk up when it's his turn to introduce himself. 

"Adrien Augustine," he tells his name and instantly I'm captivated by his deep voice, "I'm from Briston, born and raised." He sits back down, not delving more into himself like others.

Adrien. Suits him.

I know I'm not the only one who's interested in him. A guy like him has to draw attention. Many girls and probably some boys already have their eyes on him.

When my turn comes, I make sure to say my name loud and clear. I want Adrien to know it. Maybe I'm still in my hormonal teenage phase, but I never felt this explosively before for my long time crushes, much less for someone at just a single glance. I need to get a grip.

The class ends and everyone gets up to head to the next lecture. As I reach the last step someone shoves me. My foot slips and I expect a fall as ground nears my vision. An arm rounds my waist and uprights me, making my back hit against their front. A surprise squeal slips past my mouth. I look up to find Adrien holding me.

My body heats up and I predict the incoming redness on my face and neck. I feel tingles where our bodies touch. 

"You should be careful," he says, his eyes taking in my red face. Shivers run down my body hearing him from so close. It might be my imagination but I feel him subtly pressing me further into his chest. 

I am embarrassed, but it is overshadowed by the excitement of being held by him. 

Before I can thank him he continues. Something on his beautiful features changes, suddenly making me feel on edge with its sinister glint. "Now we don't want you falling on your fat ass and crushing other people, do we?" He whispers. 

Something inside me shatters. It must be evident on my face because I see his eyes softening for a fraction of second before they regain their hardness. Or maybe once again I'm imagining it because I don't want to accept that he's just another cruel jerk who gets off by insulting others.

Adrien lets go of me and I immediately get away from him. I am too shocked to say anything or insult him back. I'm hurt. Not just because I was insulted, but I was insulted by him. I don't know why but I expected him to be... different. 

Tears prick my eyes and I barely manage to hold them back. Gosh, when did I become so sensitive? Even more so over some stupid guy? Well, there goes my first day.

I scurry off to our next class with Jenny, who looks like she wants to ask me about Adrien but holds herself back. I don't spare Adrien another glance for rest of the day, no matter how many times I feel his laser-like eyes pricking my back or the side of head. I especially don't pay him attention when other girls hover around him and are smitten by his charming smile and flirty manner. Asshole!

A guy like him doesn't deserve a time of my day.

But little did I know those weren't the last harsh words from him. There is much more to come. 



I sniffle under the blankets as I recall my first meeting with Adrien. It's been more than an hour since I returned from the club. Two and a half hours since Adrien confessed he likes me. Alcohol didn't help to forget about that stupid asshole. Instead it only exacerbated my pain and anger at his stupidity.

Salma is sleeping on her bed, so I make sure to keep my sobs muffled. I don't want to wake her. She doesn't need to see her roommate crying over a stupid bully. 

I'm so mad. So mad at Adrien. If he wasn't such a prick and a bully from the beginning, things would be so much different between us. I wanted them to be different. Now, we can't wipe the slate clean and act like the last year of bullying and name-calling didn't happen. He hurt me bad. And I can't just forget that. 

Another sob explodes from my throat. Agh! I'm so mad at him.


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