Yeji x Lia: The Troublemaker

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GxG Yeji x Lia


I stayed quiet and kept my head down as I made my way through the halls of my school, people bustled by me getting to their own classes, or for some getting anywhere but their classes. After attending this school for nearly four years I've attained the position of valedictorian. I've had perfect scores my whole life, it was hard but I finally made it, soon I'll graduate and move on to the next chapter of my life. I am happy, but at the same time I feel so incredibly lonely.

My perfect scores and outstanding extracurricular activities didn't come without a price. Four years with no friends, I never spoke to anyone, unless for an assignment. Well nobody except-


I smiled.


My only friend in this disaster of a social life, I've known her since elementary school.

"Hey dummy, it's nearly the end of your high school career, are you sure you don't wanna at least try and meet some people? Maybe find a cute boy?"

"W-Well I um..."

"Oh come on spill it, I know you've still got that crush on Y/N~" she teased.

"Hey quiet down!"

"Hehe dummy, just ask him to hang out or I will."

"We've been over this Chae I can't...I just can't..."

Chaeryeong frowned as the we continued through the halls.

"Look Lia I just want you to be happy, Y/N makes you smile without you even realizing it, I'm sure you two would be great together."

"Chae...I just-"

"It's okay...just don't regret it okay? Here's my class, I'll see you soon dummy."

Chaeryeong slipped into a door near the entrance of the corridor, I waved and kept walking.

As I neared my classroom, still thinking about Y/N, I heard a strange noise coming from somewhere.

"What is that?"

I walked toward the sound and realized it was coming from the girls bathroom, it was a person's voice but it sounded weird, almost like they were gasping for breath. I decided to check it out and saw something I definitely wasn't supposed to.

Hwang Yeji.

The school's infamous trouble maker. She was a bully, a delinquent, and a terrible influence. I've managed to stay completely away from her all these years and now I'm face to face with her, only this situation is just plain insane.

She was having sex with another girl, Shin Ryujin, and I just walked in on them.


"uGh fuCk like that don't you?"

"YeS ugH...I'M yOurS yEjii."

"Cum for me bitch...aGh."


They were so into what they were doing they didn't see me. I wanted to leave but I couldn't move. I was mesmerized. How could they be doing this right before class? Aren't they afraid a teacher will catch them?

"Shit gave me so much."

Yeji knelt down and started licking Ryujin's private parts. I was red in the face, seeing such a scene play out in front of me when I've never even held a boy's hand, I was stunned. I felt a burning sensation in my crotch, I was so confused and dazed, I felt wild.

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