Every Which Way (I Dare You bonus)

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A/N: Here's a little bonus material with some small updates on the lives of our fav characters :)

This is told the point of view of Rowena Salone, the main character from my other book, Every Which Way.

"This is the wrong side of the bleachers Carson, now we have to awkwardly cheer from the side of our opponents."

"You know what Leah, I decide to come home from college for the weekend and you have done nothing but pick on me. Tell her Adelaide."

"I can do nothing of the sort. You spilled my hot chocolate, again."

The boy who I assumed was Carson let out a whiny groan before turning to the girl beside him, "Maylan?" He pleaded.

She took a deep breath as if giving herself time to think of an answer, "I love you?"

He clicked his tongue as Leah giggled from the side.

"You can keep your pity love, you betraitor." Betraitor? Is that even a word?

"Nah I think you're right Carson. This seating arrangement is better. That way when we cheer for Tristan, it'll be more distinct, ya know?"

"Yes, I know! Thank you, Tate. You see ladies? That's the right way to show a little appreciation."

When he moved to give his friend a fist bump or whatever the fuck he was trying to do, his elbows hit the girl he called Adelaide, causing the cup in her hand to fall over.

Some warm liquid got onto the blanket that I had wrapped around myself. She gasped, "I'm so sorry my brother is such an idiot. Here take some napkins." She handed me some already in her hands and I used it to wipe the blanket.

"Sorry Adelaide," Carson sighed, "I know the drill, I'll go get you more hot cocoa."

"What, so you can spill that one too?" She snapped, then looked over to me and gave me a polite smile. "Let me help you with that."

"You're good, it hardly even hit me." She helped wipe some spots anyway.

"I'm Adelaide."

"I'm Rowena, and this is Natalie and Lillian." Natalie turned to smile at them while Lillian was too distracted, still staring at Cyrus from the field.

"Natalie, I love those earrings! You got those from Bradshaw Boutique didn't you?" The blonde one, Leah, asked.

"Yes I did, I love that store!" She replied, putting her hand up on the studs she had on her ears.

Tate replied before Leah could. "Yeah so does she, do you know how many times I've been dragged to that store?"

"Man, I know what you mean-"Carson stopped short, looking at Maylan's frown on her face. "We love that store."

"Oh, look here they go!" Lillian shouted and my attention was drawn to the field once again.

Our team had the ball and Duncan was shuffling it between his feet before passing it off to Cyrus. He made it a few paces ahead of him when one of the other team's defenders was on his ass. Cyrus took the tiniest peek up to see who was around him, his arm out to keep his opponent at a distance, before passing the ball to a teammate.

In his teammate's attempt to pass to Declan, the ball was intercepted by the other team.

"LET'S GO TRISTAN!!!!" This man was going to burst my eardrum. The people around us turned to stare at Carson as he was rooting for the wrong team. He shoved Tate in the shoulder before mumbling, "Wrong team, weirdo."

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