This is it

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Sofie stepped into the magical world of club Elandra one more time. By now she was familiar with the proceedings. The discreet phone call. The footsteps. The reveal of the immaculately dressed companion walking down the staircase. But she wasn't prepared for her heart to still be skipping a beat when Philip touched her hand. Seeing him would never get old.

But there was something different this time. Philip's performance wasn't as smooth as usual. There was an urgency in his greeting and he turned to guide Sofie upstairs without the silent communication with the receptionist.

"Philip," the new lady at the desk called after him, slowly shaking her head when he looked.

"That's ok. Thanks, Rosie," he replied, not breaking his stride.

"What was that?" Sofie asked as they were out of earshot.

"Your medical test is missing. But we don't need it for today, do we?"

He looked at her as if to say 'there's a different risk in what we're attempting, today'.

They reached his suite and Philip swiped his card. He moved the card too quickly and the door remained locked. Why was he so anxious? He wasn't the one stealing the YubiKey on camera. Throwing her a quick glance, he tried again and this time the door opened.

As soon as she walked through the threshold he grabbed her arm and crowded her into a corner of the room.

"There are no cameras here, we can speak in private," he explained.

Feeling the warmth of his body made Sofie almost forget the reason she came here in the first place. The same intense attraction she felt the night before had taken hold of her again. Was he feeling the same?

"You don't have to do this," he whispered, as if to answer her question.

His eyes lingered on her lips, waiting for her response. When none came, he closed in, his heavy body pressing her against the wall. She could feel the vibrations in his chest as he whispered against her cheek.

"I missed you."

His hands were soft and warm and Sofie could not help but respond to them. She parted her lips and closed her eyes. His lips found hers in the kiss he denied her the day before. As she had predicted, that's all it took for the underwood of their desire to ignite into a wild uncontrollable blaze.

As their kiss deepened, he seized her thighs and lifted her up, angling her between him and the wall.

The familiarity conjured up the intense pleasure he had given her before. And her body demanded to feel it again.

A moan tumbled from her lips as his hand brushed along the outside of her legs. Reaching underneath her dress, he caressed her buttocks and she instinctively rocked her hips against him; his hardness against her softness. Bolds of pleasure shot through her body as he gently cupped her breast and squeezed her nipples through the light fabric of her bra.

But amidst all this bliss, a small cog somewhere in Sofie's brain kept turning. Kept processing. Kept analyzing. Why was he kissing her today? After he rushed out the night before? What had changed?

"Stop," Sofie yelped breathlessly. "Let go of me, Philip."

Fury was in her eyes as he set her down and backed away. Why did she let herself be pulled in by his charm, yet again.

"She instructed you to do this. Didn't she?"


He sounded breathless and confused, like someone ripped out of a blissful dream.

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