Chapter 20 - Meanie.

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Dedicating this chapter to WhenNightComes because you are so cool and amazayn ;)


Chapter 20 - Meanie.

"Alexis!" I snap my head up from the book I was reading. Someone called my name? They did right? Or am I hearing things? Gosh, I should stop being so engrossed in books. "Alexis!" Someone calls again, I guess someone did call my name. They sound as if they're right by the door.

My theory was proved right as Jackson walked in. "What's up Jackson?"

"Dylan wants to see you. Well, he actually needs you. Alpha and Luna business."

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute. Where is he?"


"Thank you." I bookmark my page and place the book on the desk. I get up and admire my ring for a second. I walk out the room and make my way to the office and walk in.

"There you are. I was wondering if Jackson actually gave you the message."

"Oh, sorry." I smile sheepishly. "I was reading."

"Sorry to pull you away from reading. We have a meeting with Alpha Chris. Your old Alpha."

"Okay. What's it about?"

"Come here." He was sitting on his chair. Gosh, lazy bum. I walk over raising an eyebrow. Was he going to answer my question? He pulls me down to his lap. He sniffs me.



"Can you answer my question?"

"Oh right, its just pack stuff." He kisses down my neck and kisses my mark.


"We have time." There was a knock on the door. "Or not." He composes himself and clears his throat. "Come in."

Chris walks in with his little boy. He was one years old. I wonder how he was coping with the loss of his mum.. He looked fine. Chris didn't though. Apparently the loss of a mate is unbearable. How was he coping?

"Dylan, Alexis."

"Hey Chris, you okay?" I ask.

"No. Not really. But I have to be, for Joseph." Chris sits in front of us with Joseph on his lap.

"Hey Joseph." I wave at him and he gives me a bright smile, waving back at me. Occasionally I would look after Joseph so he was completely fine with me.

Dylan cleared his throat again, gaining my attention. "Okay, so down to business." He spoke.

"What is it you would like to discuss?" Chris asked.

"The attack on your pack." My heart sunk at those words. I still haven't gotten over it. I mean, who could?

"What of it?"

"We're allies right?" Chris nods. "Now, this depends on you. I would like to make an offer."


"Yes." Chris looked at him and then to me. I gave him the I-don't-know-what-he's-on-about look cos frankly, I don't. Chris nodded for him to continue. "I would like to propose for all your remaining pack members to join my pack and we also get your pack land, basically making a slightly bigger pack."

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