Chapter 25 - Luca.

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Chapter 25 - Luca.

5 years later.

"DYLANNNN!" I shout, in complete and utter pain. I think this is it.

He comes rushing in. "What is it? Is it-"

"Yes, I think its time!" His eyes practically bulged out of his eye sockets. He quickly rushes out the room and I can hear faint voices, panicked voices. Well, it was more Dylan who was panicking.

He came rushing back in with a bag in his arms. Probably full of our supplies that we need. Clothes and all.

"Are you okay? Pain?"

"Well, its- oww fucking hell."

"Okay, okay. Um stay calm?"

"Stay calm?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?!"


"Just get a move on please!" He practically runs to my bed side and picks me up, bridal style. "Am I too heavy for you?"

"Not at all, baby." He kisses my cheek and walks super fast downstairs and out into the car.

He does my seatbelt up and gets into the other side of the car - the drivers side I mean - and starts the engine.

We soon arrive at the pack hospital. He gets out of his side and comes to my side. He undoes my seatbelt and picks me up bridal style again.

He carries me into the hospital.

"Emergency." Dylan says, in a quick mumbo jumbo way.

"Oh, yes of course Alpha."

Soon enough we're in a hospital room of our own and I'm just lying on the bed.. In pain. Excrutiating pain.

Dylan had gone to get the bag we had packed, ready for this day. When he came back, damn I was in so much pain.

He came by my bedside and held my hand. I squeezed his and he seemed fine. Lucky bastard.


After a load of pain and crying and laughing, I was finally able to relax.

"Its a boy." The pack doctor says, cleaning him. She hands me our baby boy.

"He's so cute, and adorable.. Dylan look, he has your eyes.." Dylan leans next to me and admires out baby boy.

"He has your nose too. Look," I look at our baby boy and he does actually have my nose.. "But his eyes aren't just mine.. They're a mix of both of ours."

I look into his eyes, and realise Dylan is right. They're a mix of both our eyes and they are incredibly beautiful. "What shall we name him?"

"What were you thinking?" He asks, still looking at our son. I hand him to Dylan, knowing he wants to hold his son. He sits on the chair beside my bed and holds our son in his arms.

It was an adorable sight seeing how he looks at our son. He looked so lovingly at him. It was truly heartwarming.

"I like the name Luca.. I've always liked it.."

"Luca, hm. Alpha Luca?"

"Are you indicating his name has to go with the Alpha title?"

"Baby, he's now future Alpha. Of course his name has to go with the Alpha title and Luca does. Luca Zanders."

"Luca Alfred Zanders."

"You seriously won't let that go will you?"

"I'm kidding Dylan."

"Luca Harrison Zanders?"

"Harrison? I like it."

"Well, welcome to the world Luca. I'm your daddy. And this is your mummy." He says, handing back Luca.

"Hey Luca. Aren't you just adorable. Awww, I love you already. More than your daddy."

"Hey! Son, don't you dare steal your mummy away from me."

"I'm just kidding Dylan. I still love you loads and loads."

"You better." He kisses Luca's head and stands up. "I am starving. Want anything?"

"I'm fine thanks, maybe a hot chocolate?" I ask, grinning.

"You and your hot chocolate." He says, shaking his head while walking out the room.

The pack doctor is still here. Gosh, she just watched all of that. "How are you feeling, Luna?"

"Just a bit worn out. You know, tired and all."

"Would you like to rest?"

"When Dylan comes back.. You know, so he can hold Luca and all."

"We can put him in a cot."

"No, no. I wouldn't feel right leaving him in a cot on his own whilst I slept."

"As you wish, Luna. I shall be back. I have other patients."

"Okay, thank you." She nods and leaves. I sit there, staring and admiring Luca who was in my arms. He looked up at me in amazement.

His eyes twinkled as he looked at me. He lifted up his hands and clenched and unclenched his hands. He made those little baby noises which made me coo over him.

He was so cute. I know, he's my baby and obviously I'll think he's cute, but he is.

I think what intrigued me more was definitely his eyes. They showed a mix of Dylan and I all in just his eyes. Obviously as he grows I will see more of a mix but its his eyes. They do honestly intrigue me the most.

Dylan soon comes back as I'm starting to doze off. "You sleepy?"

"Well I did just give birth, you numpty."

"Okay okay. Here, I'll take him." I hand Luca to Dylan and start to doze off again. "I love you, son."

Damn, I can't believe we're actually parents now.. 21 and a mum. A proud mum.

I don't know why I waited, being a mum is a great feeling.. Having a baby, you're own flesh and blood, with the one person you love is the greatest feeling in the world.

Why did I wait? Well, okay it was because I was too young.

I guess I'm glad I did wait though. Now I feel I'm ready. Like five years ago I was basically still a child myself.

But now I'm not exactly. Since I found out I was pregnant, I was actually rather excited. I was excited because Dylan and I were starting a family and I was just excited to be a mum. Even though Cammy says its hard work.

Well, she has got two kids herself. Alana and Lacey.

Lacy being one and Alana being five. They were truly adorable. And I loved them loads. They were good children. And adorable. And they made me want some of my own.

And here we are today.

Before I actually properly fell asleep, I watched Dylan interact with Luca. He may only have just been born but you could tell they were bonding quickly. It was heartwarming seeing Dylan so loving and caring to Luca.

He was rather different around other children - much stricter and all. Now, this was his own child and it was just cute. I love Dylan, and seeing him with a child and all just made him so much cuter.

Damn, how did I get so lucky?

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