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CHARLIE'S LEGS BURNED AS HER BOOTS thundered down the stairs, arms pumping at her sides

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thundered down the stairs, arms pumping at her sides. Fear raced in her mind as her throat closed up like she was choking, the sound of screams replaying in her head. She couldn't help but assume the worst, last year's events on a loop in her brain like film.

"Guys?" She called out warily at the foot of the stairs, noticing the room was absent of a fire or any teens for that matter.

A door whacked open, causing the Pruitt girl to nearly jump out of her skin as she looked toward the source. Bewilderment trickled in with her apprehension when she noticed Joshua Washington storming away, anger printed on his face.

"Josh?" Charlie tried, but the boy simply marched into the other room, slamming the door behind him. Had another fight broken out? It wouldn't explain the shrill screams of terror, however.

Two other figures followed more slowly in Josh's wake, and there was pained regret mixed with horror on Ashley and Chris's faces.

"Guys?" The Pruitt stumbled towards them, holding an arm out towards the door Josh had just stomped through. "What's happening? Why is Josh pissed?" She halted in her steps, noticing the frazzled looks both of them held. "And why do you guys look like you've just seen a ghost?"

Chris let out a bitter snort that confused Charlie even more. "Well, I mean, we kinda did."


"It was Josh's idea," Ashley began in distraught, her voice stretched thin. "He wanted to use the spirit board. We didn't know Hannah was gonna answer! Charlie, I swear! We aren't faking it!"

Charlie held out both hands toward the redhead, attempting to quell the perturbed girl. "Hold on, slow down. You guys used a fucking ouija board? In the house?"

Chris let out a strangled sigh. "We didn't know that was gonna happen. We were just messing around!"

A flash of anger washed over Charlie like a flame. "What exactly happened, Chris? Don't you know how incredibly dangerous it is to use a ouija board in your own house?"

The blond shook his head in disbelief. "I thought Josh said he used to do it up here with the twins all the time?"

Charlie let out an irritated huff, stretching her arms across her chest as she continuously shook her head. "Yeah, and they probably did it without me because they know I would've said no. I mean, did you even say goodbye to it?"

The couple paused, blinking dumbly at the brunette. "Huh?" Chris murmured.

"Oh my," she brought both arms rearing up to her head, running a few fingers through her long, dark locks. "You didn't say fucking goodbye? And, what? This spirit said it was Hannah? So not only are we up here on this mountain alone, but now we've got a vengeful spirit to deal with?"

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