The hotel guest- Part 2

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Make sure you read part 1 first or this won't make sense


"What? Your joking" she said half heartedly.

"Not at all. Look, you're dressed up with nowhere to go. I've got a free night for the first time in months. And it looks like we won't be going anywhere any time soon anyway." He paused, not sure if he just made a complete idiot of himself. So he added "I mean if anything it will help pass the time"

She thought for a minute, not really sure what to think. Was he just joking or being serious? She decided to take a gamble. After all, she was supposed to be on a date right now anyway, it had been years. "yeah ok. Deal. It's a date" she laughed.

Daniel smiled really big. "Well it's not my ideal first date location but it's definitely unique" he laughed, looking around at the small elevator.

Y/N laughed and slid down the wall to sit on the floor. "I'm gonna sit since we won't be getting out of here and these heels are already hurting" she said as she started to take off her shoes.

"Not a high heel kinda girl?" Daniel asked while joining her on the floor of the elevator.

"Don't get me wrong, I love dressing up when I can. But nothing beats a comfy pair of sneakers or mud boots" Y/N laughed, massaging her feet slightly.

"Mud boots? Where would you even need mud boots here?" Daniel was very interested.

"Well not here, but back home. I grew up on a farm"

"No way! Really?" His eyes lit up.

"Yeah. I love it here but I really miss the quietness of being in the country sometimes."

"I know exactly what you mean. I have an apartment in Monaco which I love. But I definitely don't want to live there forever. I have a farm back home in Perth. That's my ultimate happy place" Daniel smiled to himself, just remembering being back there.

She looked up at him, a bit shocked "You? On a farm? That's definitely not something I would have guessed" she was genuinely surprised.

"Well... although I feel like I can say we know each other a bit we really don't know each other much at all. There's a lot you don't know about me" he smiled really big. That smile he was so famous for. The one that almost had some mischief behind it.

Y/N laughed "I guess that's true. I try not to get too personal with the guests here. You have to maintain some professionalism in this job".

Daniel thought for a minute and then looked over at her. "Well, since I can't take you to dinner for our date, how about we just get to know each other? I'll ask you some questions, you ask me some questions".

"Sounds fun. Ok I'll go first" she said, turning her body to face him and crossing her legs over each other, leaning back up against the other wall. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Really? I just gave you free reign to ask me anything you want and you ask about my family? Most people ask me about my career" Daniel looked at her, taken aback.

Y/N shrugged her shoulders "family is important to me I guess. Also I imagine you probably get a little sick of people asking about your work all the time right?"

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