Request- daniel x famous reader

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This was a request from someone on tumblr. Hope you enjoy!

I walked through the gate after scanning my pass that was hanging around my neck. I couldn't believe I was actually here. Not for my job this time, but as an actual guest. I don't know if I'm quite ready for this.

I'm an actress, about to star in a new movie about a female formula 1 driver. Part of the prep for my part in the movie was to shadow an actual formula 1 driver. My agent had set me up with the McLaren team, thinking it would be a good fit.

Since there aren't currently any female formula 1 drivers, I had to learn a lot about how the drivers prepare for a race from beginning to end. All the ins and outs of the sport. And then be able to make my own interpretation of how my character would be before, during, and after a race. It was quite the daunting task but I had been up for it. That was, until I met the driver I was supposed to shadow for the next 2 months.

Daniel Ricciardo was the kind of guy that everyone looked at when he walked into a room. When we first met, I noticed his warm smile first. And then the smell of his cologne when he came closer to shake my hand. "I'm really excited for the next couple months. I'm a huge fan of your work" he had said, smiling down at me.

"Thank you" I smiled back at him. "I'm excited to learn more about what you do" I was genuinely enthusiastic, which he picked up on instantly.

He grabbed my hand to lead me around the paddock and show me where everything was. We had conversed back and forth about what his training was like, how a typical race weekend works, about the sport itself, his off weekends... everything relating to why I was there.

That first weekend had been very eye opening. I very quickly began to fall in love with the sport. I found myself cheering him on every race weekend. And actually enjoying my time. It didn't even feel like work anymore.

Only a couple weeks into my assignment we had started to spend more time together outside of the races. It had started the one day when I was in my temporary apartment in Monaco that the movie had set up for me. I got a text from Daniel.

"Hey what are you up to right now?"

It was my day off since there was no race that weekend. I typed up a quick reply.

"Just chilling on the balcony" I kept it short and simple. I had no plans and suddenly got nervous at the thought of what he might have in mind.

"I was about to head out for a hike with some friends and was wondering if you'd want to join. The views are incredible"

An hour later we were nearly at the top of the mountain. It was a beautiful day, perfect weather for hiking. As we got closer to the top I could hear his friends shouts of excitement up ahead. Daniel had stayed further back to walk with me. Even though it had been my day off, I had decided to use this as part of my assignment. Seeing how these drivers spend their free time could really help me to develop my character more.

"I'm glad you came out with us" Daniel smiled back at me, reaching out to put his hand on my back for a brief moment. I had learned over the past couple weeks that he was a touchy person. He was very personable. That was when I realized why my agent had set me up with him. And I had wondered if she thought I really wouldn't figure out her ulterior motive.

"Thanks for inviting m-" I tripped over a loose rock and started to lose my balance. Daniel caught me almost instantly, just holding me until I regained my balance and stood back upright. "Thanks" I smiled shyly at him, noticing he still had his arms around me.

For a second I thought he wasn't going to let go, not that I minded. I had become very fond of him the past 2 weeks. "No problem" he replied as he slowly removed his grip. "you okay?" He asked, concerned.

Daniel Ricciardo one shots and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now