should've went but stayed

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well the bruising on my neck is still very visible and intense. so is maddy's. i ended up sleeping at her place all weekend. i mean i really just couldn't face nate. i decided i was gonna skip school today. maddy wanted to as well but she really had to go to school because she had something important for cheer after school and she's already missed a few days this year and it's just the beginning of the year. she really can't afford more absences.

but we both woke up extra early so i could help her shower her whole neck in concealer so no one at school would be sus of what happened and why her whole neck is fucking purple.

i also helped her pick out a somewhat socially expectable outfit to wear that would cover her somewhat covered purple neck and puffy eyes. so a cropped blue turtleneck and black hoodie with a black jean skirt and a pair of dark sunglasses it was.

after she was ready we drove to my house. first we made sure nate was already gone. he was. thank god. she dropped me off and went to school.

everything was fine. i mean i had the house to myself because cal and marsha were at work. nate was obviously at school and tbh i didn't know where aaron was but he wasn't home so i didnt give a fuck. as long as he's not being a perv and trying to get in my pants,i'm good.

nate was still blowing up my phone.

i still didn't answer him

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i still didn't answer him. i laid in my bed all day. i was watching youtube tutorials on how to make bruising go away faster and how to perfectly cover bruises with makeup. honestly if someone looked through my youtube search history after today,they'd probably be extremely concerned and begin a whole investigation on my life. and i wouldn't blame them for one second. i mean i need some serious professional help.

i watched my tv and just let the time go by. i kept trying to just fall asleep and take a nap. just so i didn't have to think about nate. but i couldn't sleep. i don't know why. i just couldn't. so i decided that i was gonna do a quick workout.

it was super easy. i just went into one of the guest bedrooms that cal turned into a home-gym/workout studio for me and nate.

i pulled out a yoga mat and did my workout.
it only consisted of:
-30 jumping jacks
-1 minute plank
-100 crunches
-50 sit ups
-50 push ups
-30 russian twists
-1 minute high knees
-50 butt bridges
-75 squats
-15 lunges (each leg)
-20 wall push ups
-20 heel touches

after i finished up i took a shower. as the hot water fell onto my skin,tears fell out of my eyes. but i quickly wiped them away and told myself not to cry.

after my shower,everything was going fine. kinda just waisted time,watching tv and scrolling through tiktok, until i got a call from maddy...

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