molly 2

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when i got to maddy's house and parked my car,i saw her run outside to see me. she opened the passenger side door and got in. she gave me a side hug. "hey mads" i said ready for her to start crying or something. "what's up" she said.

she seems like she's in a good mood which is weird because 30 minutes ago she was crying. "everything okay" i said with a chuckle. "no but let's pretend it is. let's go somewhere fun" she insisted. i nodded my head. "like where?" i asked. "i don't know. or we can just do molly again" she said. i let out a laugh. "hell yeah" i said. she nodded her head.

so i put my car in drive and drove to fezco's store. on the way there we didn't really talk about the plan me and nate made up. i feel like it's nate's place to tell her. but we just talked about what happened in the police station. i feel so bad for her. the poor girl must be traumatized.

as we pulled up to fez's store i saw him sitting outside in the chair that he always sits in. "i can just go get it alone unless you want to come" i said. she nodded her head. "i'll stay in here,i'm gonna call cassie" she said. i nodded my head and went to see fez.

"hey kid" he said to me. "sup fez" i said. "nun,just chillin" he answered. i nodded my head. "um in ashtray in the back?" i asked. "yo ashley,really?" he asked. "what?" i laughed.
"you know i don't want you through your whole life away for drugs the way rue did" he said. "i know,i promise i won't. it's just maddy had a rough day and weekend. we just want to do molly to get our mind off of things" i said. "like what?" he asked. "you know..." i said trying to end the conversation. "like how nate chocked you's and you're both gonna lie and say it wasn't him" fez said. "well yeah" i said. "ashley he's abusive and toxic. i know he's like your brother and all but don't get involved with him,look what it did to maddy" he said. "he's not my brother,fez" i said. "look,just promise me you'll be safe" he said. "always"
i said with my sweet smile. he nodded his head. i gave his hand a quick squeeze and kissed his cheek.

i walked into the back. "yo ashtray!" i said with a smile. "yoooo" he said all excited. the kids kinda has a crush on me. but he's like 10. "uh can i get some molly for me and maddy" i asked. he nodded his head and handed me two. i gave him 40 bucks. "you da best"
i said as i walked out. he chuckled. i said bye to fez and got back in my jeep.

"sorry it took so long" i said to maddy. "you're good ashley" she said. as i handed her the molly and we both started to take it she looked at me. "you know i'm really happy we're friends now. and like i said before,i'm really fucking sorry about all the shit i did and said about you" she said. "maddy it's fine,i'm
sorry what i did and said. but i'm happy we've moved passed it" i said. she nodded her head and gave me a sweet smile.

a couple hours later we were back at her house. she had just fallen asleep and i wrote her a little note.

hey mads,
cal called me and wants me home but i love u and will see u tomorrow


cal didn't actually call me to go home but i promised nate that i would be home tonight.

when i got home i went upstairs to my bedroom. i'm still kind of high tbh. when i got in my room i changed. i just put on one of nate's t-shirts a pair of shorts.

i made my way to his bedroom. when i
opened the door he was laying on his bed staring at the wall. i walked over to his bed and laid next to him. "how did it go at tyler's?"
i asked him. "good,i think,he's so scared of me it's hilarious" he said. i let out a fake laugh. "okay good" i said. i cuddled onto him. "are you high" he asked me. "no" i lied.

he sat up and observed me. "did you do
molly again" he screamed. "nah" i lied again. "ashley what the fuck?! you're going to end up like rue!" he yelled. "nate shut up" i said standing up and walking to his door. he followed me into my bedroom.

when we got in there he shut the door. "i'm sorry i yelled at you,i just want to make sure you're okay" he said. "nate i'm fine" i said. he nodded his head and laid down next to me in my bed.

we both drifted off to sleep.

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