Chapter 18

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Law stepped out of the car, his heart ramming in his chest.

Who can blame him? He's only found out he's liked Luffy for a few days now. And he's already meeting his grandpa and this Shanks guy.

Law knows that they don't know about his feelings, so they will think it's just a normal dinner, but it's almost impossible for him to feel that way.

For some reason he self consciously looks down at his outfit. He decided on comfy, but of course a presenting outfit. He's wearing an oversized grey sweatshirt, black jeans, and his favorite, the white air forces. He looks okay. It could be better, but it's okay.

"Law, your spacing out, let's get inside." His dad grabs his shoulder and squeezes it reassuringly. Law nods slowly and follows behind his dad up the stairs to the second floor.

'Well i'm already fucking here.' Law thought as they finished their way up the stairs and are now faced at the door of their apartment.

Law can already hear a mixed abundance of voices. It's faint, but he can definitely here them. Corazon knocks on the door a few times.

After a few seconds of silence, you hear rapid footsteps, but then a loud thud. Then laughing, and then another thud, or explosion? He can't tell.

Law was wondering what the hell was going on behind the door, and his dad was as well, when he turned to look at Law with a confused expression.

Then all of a sudden, the door slams open and Law slightly jumps in place. 'Jesus, one of these days i'm going to have a heart atta-'


Before Law can interpret what is happening, his breath is knocked out of him, and his back hit the railing of the second floor brutally.

Limbs wrap around his waist and neck, and all Law can think about is the excruciating pain in his lower back because of the impact with the railing. But once he realizes its Luffy who is burying his face in Laws neck, laughing loudly in his ear and says "Your here!" in excitement, his heart starts to thump the most painful it has ever.

"You dumbass, Luffy-ya! I almost broke my back!" Law hisses, grabbing Luffys waist to try and pry him off, but he doesn't budge. Law can see Corazon from in front of them smiling in delight at the two, and Law couldn't be more embarrassed.

"Sorry sorry! I'm just glad to see you!" Luffy jumps off on his own, and Law can finally get a proper look at the other male.

Like usual, he is smiling bright up at Law, gums and everything exposed. He's dressed in an oversized hoodie, basketball shorts, and socks.

"It's okay. I-i'm glad to see you too, I guess." Law awkwardly replies, meeting his eyes with Luffy. Law thinks their greetings are silly, taking in fact that it's only been about 6 hours since they have last seen each other.

Luffy brighten at the response, but then he turns to Corazon. "Hi, Cora-san!"

Corazon grins down at Luffy and nods. "Nice to see you, Luffy."

Luffy comically takes both Corazons and Laws wrists and pulls them inside the apartment. "Come inside!"

The next moment, Law and his Dad are inside the apartment, and he was suddenly aware of the other people inside. Law recognized two of them, of course, Luffys brothers, Sabo and Ace.

They were both switching their attention to both Law and Corazon. Mostly Corazon, because they have never seen such a tall person before.

Law moved on to the older man sitting next to Luffys brothers in the dinning area. He has a thick mustache and beard, which is a light gray color. He has a scar that wraps around his left eye.

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